Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hazel Mueller Speaks Out Against EHC "Politics"

 (Below is a shocking revelation about control of a small town government by people who select who will be on the ballot.)
 Astonishing excerpt from text below
 Mrs. Kuehner pinched my lips together with her fingers and said to me - and I quote - “You will do what we tell you to do.”)

I've hesitated speaking out until now because I really don’t enjoy controversy, but have stood back and watched as our opponents have distorted the truth.
It’s time the voters of Egg Harbor City knew what’s been going on.
I’ve been on city council for almost eight years. I learned, listened and did what I believed was in the best interest of my hometown and my fellow residents. 

Four years ago and under Joseph Kuehner’s leadership, our opponents groomed Lisa Jiampetti to become Mayor. Mrs. Jiampetti wasn’t picked by their organization or by concensus. She wasn’t picked because she would do a good job. She was picked simply because she was the member of a large family and ‘electable.’ 

Douglas Dickinson wanted to run four years ago, but was told at a meeting in my home that Mrs. Jiampetti was the candidate and only choice. Doug then graciously backed down and the rest is history. 

Last Summer, Stefania Kuehner and several other members of city council had grown increasingly upset with Mrs. Jiampetti and said to several of us that “they” would never support her to run for Mayor in 2016.

Low and behold, everything was forgotten and she is their wonderful candidate for Mayor once again.
Mrs. Kuehner told me that if the organization didn’t support Mrs. Jiampetti as they had previously, they would look like “smacked asses.” I offered to run for mayor on the Egg Harbor City Democratic Club ticket and was laughed at, told that I better have lots of money and that there is no way I could “beat Lisa” because she has too many family members who would vote for her.

 After a council meeting that same Summer, Mrs. Kuehner pinched my lips together with her fingers and said to me - and I quote - “You will do what we tell you to do.”
After she removed her fingers, I said, “Like Hell I will.” 

This was the beginning of my journey towards being the Mayor of Egg Harbor City. 

During the last three and a half years, our police department has been devastated. Chief John McColgan and his family have been devastated. Mayor Jiampetti came into office saying…and we on council all heard her…she was the “ultimate authority” of the police department and she was going to straighten them out.
And she has…or has she?

Hazel Mueller 


Anonymous said...

The June 7th primary will decide the fate of Egg Harbor City since there are no republicans running. It will be very interesting to watch how these people work together for the next 7 months after the election.

Anonymous said...

Again, This candidate for egg harbor's office of Mayor is slamming her running mate, and ignoring the prosecutors report on the mismanagement of the police department. There is more going on here than Hazel wants to reveal. Trying to pit Lisa against the the Kueners is ridiculous. Joe and Stef are in full support of the current mayor, as is anyone that pays taxes in that town. Hazel, I'm not seeing any big revelation in your letter as you claim. I am however seeing how desperate you really are.

Anonymous said...

You're not seeing any big revelation??? I guess you know what's been going on behind the scenes. It's apparent that the Kuehner's have been running the town for a long time. I guess they are to blame for EHC being named the worst town in NJ to live in. It's time for a change! Start at the top. Get rid of the lip pinching bully. I wish Ms. Mueller good luck in this race. I feel she will bring ethics and equality back to a city that is sinking fast.

Anonymous said...

Such a nice small town. I wonder why list 158 homes for sale.

Anonymous said...

I believe the prosecutors office has let us know what's really going on behind the scenes. So what you're saying is shame on the mayor for doing good government? I guess you think the police depth. Should be unaccountable to anyone? Good job mayor.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the prosecutor's office let us know about about the disrepair of the department like mold, water leaks, no alarm system, no gun safes, bad flooring, need of furniture and gun safes, no panic buttons, outdated computers, no city firing range, ill equipped police vehicles,etc.

Jiampetti stated she had "ultimate authority" of the police dept.. Why didn't she provide the funds to fix all these things. Do you think the Chief would have fought these improvements? He has no control of the city's finances.

It was also in the report that the Chief had NO input into rules and regulations given by Jiampetti. The prosecutor's office found that many of these rules handed to the Chief were NOT consistent with the NJ Attorney General Guidelines.

Do you wonder why there was poor moral in the dept? A good Mayor would have worked with the Chief to improve the dept., not set up conditions for it's destruction.

New leadership is needed in EHC NOW. Jiampetti has proven herself to be a failure in administrative and personnel matters.

Anonymous said...

Atlantic county is ranked #1 in foreclosures in the country. That's why so many homes are for sale. Unfortunately, you can't blame that on any of the candidates, or the police either!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps these items could have been put into the police budget? Oh, never mind, didn't the prosecutors office report say the chief failed to prepare a budget? There will be poor moral under poor leadership, and that would be the poor leadership of the man that received over a hundred thousand dollars a year to do a job, a job that obviously was not up to par, according to the report. Really, how could this situation be defended is beyond comprehesion!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that someone made a budget for the police dept.. 9 Council Members and the Mayor had to vote on the city's yearly budget. Were the Chief's opinions even considered? Jiampetti, as Mayor, is the statutory head of the police dept.. How can she defend 3 1/2 years of not even trying to clean up at least the physical disrepair of the dept.? As head of the dept., did she not even take a stroll down to the offices and notice the deplorable conditions?

Now,with all the law suits against the city and the Prosecutor's involvement, she's trying to put all the blame on the Chief. Blame for this mess can be shared by the council members who didn't speak up, the Chief who seems to have given up but most of all by the head of the dept.,Jiampetti, who ruled the dept. with "ultimate Authority".

Her mistakes are going to cost the tax payers of EHC dearly.

Anonymous said...

You are right 11:08 If home owners could get at least what they paid for, it would be closer to 300 for sale. I got out in 1990 after the second time my car was broken into! Did not move far, but it was a good move. 1/2 the taxes, and four times the acres. I don't really know how to fix Egg Harbor, but it is not getting better by no means. Good Luck !

Anonymous said...

What a shame that you pay someone 115,000 dollars a year and he can't even make a budget.
Will Hazel ask him to take back his retirement papers and stay.
Grow up and have people accountable for their jobs.
He was the first one to run to the prosecutor's office crying now he got what he deserved.
Take your papers back and face the music if your right stay as long as you want if not man up.
People talk about taxes is that the reason why people are losing their homes in EHC?
Get rid of the I-phones 2 suv's 60in plasma TV's pay your mortgage and you wouldn't lose your home.
As far as the condition of the Police dept the first order the chief put out when Jiampetti became mayor was that no members of the police dept were allowed to talk to the Mayor or members of council except to be nice and say hi.
Between your cable bill cell phone bill your just about what your taxes are.
Nobody likes taxes but they are high all over.

Anonymous said...

Yes Council is to blame for the taxes being raised every year which is taxing the people right out their homes. Then we could talk about the 5yr tax abatement in a brand new development that's failed but they want to continue on building new abated homes. How about the needless parking study for the North because they complained about cars parking on "their" streets...but disrespect a longtime business owner having a problem with parking. Yes they are to blame

Anonymous said...

Come on now poor johnny boy.
Do your job and don't put out an order for the officers not to talk to the mayor or members of council.
The mayor can only have a certain amount of involvement with the police dept by statute.
When the mayor took over johnny ran to the pros office to cry and complain.
With all the free legal services he has don't retire fight any charges that may be pending.

Anonymous said...

As a homeowner and a taxpayer in EHC, in my opinion, this town is a hot mess...politically speaking. I have been in this town almost all my life and have watched it fall apart. There are several political seats that have been held by the same people for too long..shouldn't that tell you something? And sadly, if one person loses their political seat it is only then replaced by someone with the same views as the last, for example, family family member holds a seat, leaves, only to be replaced by another family is an endless cycle of the same old fresh meat...if one shows up..they get chopped and eaten for dinner if they have their own opinion... I believe there is a lot of personal bs behind all the bickering between the mayor and the chief...remember, this is a small town and some of these families have been here a long time and may have unresolved issues that go way back..and on that change the political lineup in this city would require half of them to move and not be able to vote in this city... for their family member or long time friend

Anonymous said...
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