Monday, April 04, 2016

Mullica Committee Candidates

Today at 4:00 pm was the deadline for any Republican or Democrat to hand in their petition if they planned on being on the primary ballot in June.

According to Town Hall, only two people handed in petitions:
Jim Brown, Republican, no running mate
Barbara Rheault, Democrat, no running mate

There are two Committee seats up for election in November.  Unless some Independents file petitions to run by 4:00 pm on June 7th, 2016, Mr. Brown and Ms. Rheault will be elected to the Committee with no contest.


Anonymous said...

Tells you a lot about how much people want to get involved in this Township. This Township is a joke. Go to a meeting and see how many residents attend. It's a disgrace, and the reason is you can't have one political party run the whole show. I don't see things changing anytime soon because the people in this twp. always vote the party and not the person. It's a shame and I don't see it getting any better in future. Small town politics at it's best

Anonymous said...

Wow! Did Brown strike a deal with Rheault? Dems come out for election years, was he afraid of losing? We both run alone and we both win. How convenient for them.

Anonymous said...

6:55 pm, You might be on to something. I can't believe that in the well developed Repub club, there wasn't one no name lackey that would run with Brown. Where's his buddy? Either a deal was made or the Repub Club has no choice but to bow down to the King's decisions without any input.

Anonymous said...

Three more years of Mayor Brown without even a real election. Are there any independents out there who want my vote?

Anonymous said...

Well Silva could dig up an independent friend to run and then he would be mayor. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Rheault could find someone,then there would be two dems on committee and Sliva could still be Mayor

Anonymous said...

Or 2 independents could win and knock out Brown & Rheault, make history in Mullica and Silva would be mayor. I guess we have to wait until June 7th to find out if anybody else is going to run.

Anonymous said...

The late Larry Angel made a point to run only because he didnt want the candidates to feel so snug that they were not accountable to answer to anyone and force them to get out and csmpaign and face the public. This is totally pathetic and Brown seems to be in it for life now . Obvious he wants the power.Township deserves what it gets.

Anonymous said...

The people running this township may be a joke ,but the place where I live (Mullica)I am proud to live in.

Anonymous said...

Any person or group who are not happy with this uncontested election have over 60 days to find candidates to run against Brown or Rheault. If nobody wants to step up to challenge them and get involved, then just stop grumbling and accept the fact that a precedent of non-choice of municipal government is being set. Even just one independent candidate could demonstrate that the people of Mullica want a voice in the future of our town.

Anonymous said...

My biggest fear is that Brown and Rheault both have deep ties with the county government and they will yield to any plan or plot the county wants to push on us. We could become the prime location for projects no other municipality wants in their neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

I'm tending to agree with the third comment at 8:03pm. I can't believe that not one person in the Repub club would run with Jim Brown. Either nobody wants to work with Brown or he didn't care about their input. Either way, it looks bad for Brown

Anonymous said...

To 8:55 pm If your right it means he's running this show alone and doesn't care what his own support group thinks. He sure doesn't give a crap about the rest of us then.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if some kind,honest,concerned member of the repub club would come on here and tell the rest of us what exactly is going on.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that Mr. Brown has done more then support this township. He has made sure that increased taxes were at a minimum, and has been going above and beyond for Mullica. If all of the people who have issues on here were so concerned they would attend a township meeting and say what it is they have to say there, but instead they come on a site like such and air out their concerns threw unsubstantiated babble. If one is so concerned with their township, step up and get involved, until then Mr. Brown is doing a fine job!

Anonymous said...

Question I ask is how many petitions were taken out from Clerks Office? Reason Im', asking is perhaps there was a second potential Republican candidate who for some reason failed to follow through. It just doesn't make any sense to only have one on the ballot instead of having 2 even if one is a temp and will drop out later for a more viable candidate. It's been done before. Given the idea that the Republican Club hasn't been really cooperative with the Dems it doesn't seem that giving them an automatic win is something they would do. Maybe they will run someone as an Independent who could beat Barbara and later rejoin the party is down the road.Strange thinga and plots are so common in the political game.

Moderator said...

Response to 9:12 AM
According to the County Clerk, only two petitions were submitted: Brown, Republican and Rheault, Democrat. No other petitions would be accepted past the deadline of April 4th.

Independents can file petitions to run by June 7th

Anonymous said...

To Unknown at 7:45AM
Would you care to venture why Brown couldn't get a running mate if he's so great and doing "such a fine job" as you say?

Anonymous said...

I think Brown wanted Rheault back on the committee. She voted with him 99% of the time, has inside knowledge of everything going on at the school, did a good job with Public Works, has county ties, attended meetings and he worked with her for three years. It doesn't hurt that she advertised herself as Barbara "Butterhof" Rheault in her last campaign literature. Butterhof being a well known mostly Repub business and land owning family in Mullica.
It's a Presidential election year and Democrats have been known to be voted in. Brown could have lost the election if Rheault had a running mate. No running mates mean an automatic win for both, no campaigning, no money put out or bothersome fundraisers.
It is my opinion that this was all a strategic plot

The only wrench in the works would be an Independent running on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

I know he's doing such a fine job because if he weren't he wouldn't continually be reelected as the mayor nor would he have so many people thoughout not only Mullica but all of Atlantic County supporting him. The honest truth of the matter is that for a majority of the comitators on here this is a place to produce scuttlebutt to get people talking, not a place to produce the facts about how great of a place Mullica is to live and raise a family. As far as I can remember I don't remember any other videos being produced so that people not from Mullica could get a better look into the township, but Mr. Brown made that happen. I'm pretty sure he has the best interest of the township in mind, with facts to back it up, not scuttlebutt....

Anonymous said...

9:18 pm - Scuttlebutt??? Are you for real? Did you even watch those videos? They give out-of-towners the impression that we have a beautiful,giant rec center with an Olympic size pool, tons of activities and OH! That mountain view is beautiful. Yeah, when somebody from 1000 miles away arrives here based on those videos, I guess they're in for a big shock. How about putting videos of town meetings up? Brown has the most secretive administration ever.

You know Mullica has a population of Republicans that actually come out and vote. They vote for the party label regardless of whose running. Brown was not unanimously voted in as Mayor. He lied to people about the Dems., he lied about rezoning the Elwood Village, he's taken out large bonds and used our surplus to keep taxes low which we will pay for in the future. He can be very sarcastic and has a temper with a every big ego. His way or the highway.

He brought in high priced Nehmad,Perrillo & Davis as solicitors, who gave him a large donation the first time around. Davis is the Atlantic County Republican Chairman. It was in the paper that they are Kelly Mascio's Lawyers against the school. How is that possible? Will they play around for years against their own firm to make millions in fees out of our pockets?

Brown packed the planning board with Republicans and now Tim McGuire is back as their solicitor. You remember him? He was the town solicitor during the trash transfer debacle, the Waszen mess and the big housing development that was planned on the pike. Larry Angel called him out all the time for deception and mistakes. It fact, if you read the planning board agenda they were discussing changes in the land development chapter just tonight. Oh, don't forget that Brown was talking about a sewage treatment plant in Mullica and sewer and water lines through Elwood that would cost us multiple millions. What about all the irons in the fire he has going about the Devonshire Inn but they are all secret and he can't talk about them? How about putting an Ordinance up that woman cannot dress in Men's clothing?

Sure,Atlantic County is supporting him by stroking his big ego. Mullica has a lot of open land that they could use for stuff nobody else wants.

The comments were speculation ( not scuttlebutt ) about why Brown doesn't have a running mate not about how great a place Mullica is. I love the rural nature of Mullica, I love the river, I love not having to pay 40 bucks a month for garbage pickup, I love not having a high water and sewer bill, I love the low crime rate and spaciousness because of lack of development. And I'm not alone in my feelings.

Why don't you look at the facts as to why the County likes this guy so much. Is it his speaking ability? Is it his reading ability? Maybe they just like to see his red face when he's about to explode or someone disagrees with him.

The land and the people make Mullica great in spite of years of corrupt government. We will continually have to monitor our home from outside invaders and traders within. These are facts.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,sorry about the 12:24 rant but scuttlebutt got on my nerves & it was late. Id like to clear one thing up. The County Republicans gave Brown the campaign thousands, of whom Davis is the Chairman, then his law firm was hired. After a public stink about it, Brown made an ordinance about campaign funding and limits to give by future employees. Just trying to show the county connection here.
Oh, did anybody notice, in addition, that Brown's big,glossy expensive campaign literature was paid for by people running for county offices. It said so in tiny print on the bottom. Now why would these bigwigs get involved in a tiny Mullican election?

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy Theorists. bla bla bla

Anonymous said...

To 10:18 post. There are so many Conspiracy theorists now(and I am not one) because they don't believe that a well organized Republican Club would not just vacate a sure bet seat up(after all the current holder never campaigned in two elections and still won because of funding. Mr Brown and a generally Republican town. They totally blew it for now but were they really that stupid to open up a solid 5 voting bloc to the other side? It'll come out sooner or later on the street as to what happened. Better than reading the Press.

Anonymous said...

Again scuttlebutt...... As you said these are speculations, the definition of scuttlebutt is rumors and or gossip, so I'm pretty sure speculations fall under that category. The reason that he has so many follows and support is not because Mullica is full of republicans, I'm pretty sure it is because he does the job and has turned Mullica around for the better. Also, I'm pretty sure he has a great speaking and reading abilities. The voting speaks for itself always. A lot of theorists (speculators) but no real facts.

Anonymous said...

4:18Pm You're "pretty sure" about a lot of things. Do you even live in Mullica?

Anonymous said...

To 3:36 pm Maybe the Repub Club had no say in the matter. I have to agree with the second and third comment. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. Brown's popularity has dropped. A win for Rheault and HIS running mate would been a big blow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would've preferred a few crackers added to that plate.

Anonymous said...

That's the whole problem. Nobody believes that there's a shortage of crackers, no matter how stale or untasty, and the paying customers feel they are being gypped by the management. It's time the customers put their own fresh brand on the table.

Anonymous said...

Gadfly is a shell of its former self . You post what you think is relevant. Just deleted it. Post that !

Moderator said...

Response to 10:25 AM
I totally agree that the Gadfly is nothing like it was when Larry Angel wrote his daily diatribes. Articles are posted that contain information that is relevant or helpful to the citizens of Mullica or near by towns. Everyone is invited to E-mail the Gadfly to request that an article be put up or to send in comments.
This Gadfly remains neutral in positions and may or may not agree with the opinions expressed in the comment section.

Anonymous said...

Gadfly is the best way residents can be updated on news and events that effect Mullica. The town no longer has a newsletter, township meetings are no longer televised, and the site is balanced and fair. I guess some folks like sensationalism, name calling, and angry outbursts. Larry Angel 's biggest fault was getting angry and then getting personal attacks which hurt and discredited the points he was trying to make. The moderator doesn't get personal nor does he/she tolerate others doing the same. Keep up the good work Gadfly you are appreciated.

Moderator said...

Response to 6:20 AM
Thank you for your words of encouragement. Being a neutral moderator can be a difficult situation when dealing with controversial topics. No politician likes to be criticized for their policies, decisions or history but all are being protected from purely personal hate speech.
Extreme views have ranged from the Gadfly should be taken down, to people that want it back to Larry's style. Right now, it will stay "middle of the road" until the next moderator decides to make changes fitting his/her own style.