Friday, March 11, 2016

No Activities Allowed On Lower Bank Bridge


Fishermen be advised, Washington Township will be enforcing ordinances regarding prohibited activities on bridges.


§ 134-3 Findings.

The Township Committee has determined that it is necessary and in the interest of public safety to enact certain regulations pertaining to the Lower Bank Bridge within its boundaries; and
The Township Committee has received information from the Traffic Engineer of the County of Burlington that the State Police have received complaints of dangerous swimming, diving, and fishing activities from, on and surrounding the Lower Bank Bridge within its boundaries; and
The Township Committee has determined pursuant to various enabling statutes made and provided by law that it is in the best interests of the Township of Washington and the public health, safety and welfare to prohibit swimming and diving and to regulate fishing from and the parking of cars on the Lower Bank Bridge within the confines of the Township of Washington.

§ 134-4 Prohibited activities.

Fishing. Fishing, crabbing and related activities from, on or utilizing the Lower Bank Bridge for same are hereby prohibited.
Loitering. Loitering upon the Lower Bank Bridge is prohibited.
Parking. Parking motor vehicles on the Lower Bank Bridge or approach thereto is prohibited.
Swimming and diving activities. Swimming, diving, and related activities from, on or utilizing the Lower Bank Bridge are hereby prohibited.

Every person convicted of a violation of this article or any supplement thereto shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 and imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or community service in lieu thereof in the discretion of the court.

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