Wednesday, March 09, 2016

N.J. Bill Against Puppy Mills

There are times when ALL animal advocates must band together to fight for a law that would be groundbreaking for the welfare of animals. Shelters, Rescues, Transports, Food Banks, and everyone else who cares about the humane treatment of animals. NOW IS SUCH A TIME.

Bill S63 was passed from the NJ State Senate Committee last Thursday, March 3, 2016. It is now before the full State Senate. This bill would ban the sale of puppy mill dogs or kittens in ALL NJ pet stores and ban the sale of dogs and cats by Internet sales throughout the state.

The vote is scheduled for March 14th, next Monday. If passed, NJ WOULD BE THE FIRST STATE IN THE US to accomplish this goal.
This is a watershed moment in the movement to end the horrors and cruelty of dogs living their lives in commercial mills where the only goal is for the breeder to make as much money as possible with absolutely no concern for the sufferings of the animals.

We have to make a big final push to let our State Senators know how we feel. PLEASE don’t let this moment pass without standing up for the animals.

I am imploring you to pass this message on to every group or person on your contact lists. Ask them to call or email their State Senator and let them know that they should “VOTE YES ON BILL 63”, and tell them to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE publicly to everyone, family, friends, co-workers. Share on FB publicly for everyone to see. Email friends not on fb. We HAVE to make this happen NOW.

We all have the power in our hands to make this law a reality if we join together and get the word out.
We all have the chance right now to help stop the suffering of so many defenseless animals. Please don’t throw away this opportunity because you didn’t bother to make a call or send an email.

Here is a link to find your state senator:

Let’s make this happen.
NJ Residents Against Puppy Mills
Jeanne Clayton
, pm me with any questions or suggestions on spreading the word. Thanks

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