Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Native Plant Sale

Galloway, NJ -- More than 60 varieties of highly-prized native trees, shrubs and perennials are available for pre-order in conjunction with the annual UUCSJS Native Plant Swap.
This year’s selection includes 8 different trees, 20 shrubs, 30 perennials and two collections available on a first come, first served basis. The offerings include native plants for sun, part shade, shade and coastal conditions. For sale for the first time are 1) a nine-plant Woodland Garden Gems collection for shade and part shade and a 19-plant Spring-Fall Pollinator collection.
According to Jesse Connor, coordinator of the sale, native plants are genetically adapted to our area and provide food for native fauna in the form of nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, leaves, pollen and nectar.
The deadline for pre-ordering and submitting payment is April 1st. Order forms and information on the native plant sale are available online at Plants may be picked up on May 6th from 4 to 6 p.m. or during the UUCSJS 8th Annual Native Plant Swap on May 7th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the UU Center at 75 S. Pomona Road at the corner of Liebig Street.

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