will hold our 26th Annual Easter Egg Hunt for township children ages 1
to 7 on Saturday, March 19th at 2pm at the Recreational Complex!
Bring your Easter Basket!
(Rain date March 26, 2016)
The Gadfly01.blogspot is not affiliated with the government of Mullica Township.
The blog was started in 2003 by Larry Angel and has become an outlet and source of information for many residents, volunteers and employees of Mullica Township.
Larry's opinions on world events and the day to day operation of the government of Mullica are memorialized in the archives from 2003 to May 8,2008 for all to peruse.
Larry Angel's unique,colorful writing style could never be duplicated,so the Gadfly has undergone many changes over the years.
Mullica Township is a Pine Barren community without a town newspaper or news letter, no televised or internet committee meetings and no press reporters at the meetings.
The Gadfly tries to fill the void by alerting the residents of meetings, events and articles of local interest from various sources. Most importantly, it gives a voice to the people. All residents are invited to share their opinions with anonymity or signed under each article posted.
Everyone is invited to send in articles of interest, announcements, letters of your concerns or opinions and even tips about what's going on in your neighborhood that needs investigation.
Tell the Gadfly what you want to see posted or what was missed.
Mullica Police Numbers:
For emergencies call 911.
The non-emergency contact number is 652-2037, to be used after hours or have an officer dispatched to your location.
The Administrative contact number is 561-7600, for the hours from 8:00am to 3:00pm, Monday through Friday.
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