Saturday, March 12, 2016

Atlantic County Republicans Endorse Trump

Atlantic County Republicans on Saturday endorsed Donald Trump as their presidential nominee, but it was close.
It took four ballots to reach a consensus, Republican Party Chairman Keith Davis said. Ohio Gov. John Kasich finished second in balloting.

The endorsement might be surprising in a county where Trump’s companies have filed for federal bankruptcy protection four times since the early 1990s.
“The record will speak for itself,” Davis said. “No doubt there was pain from those bankruptcies 20 years ago. But I think that has faded with time.”

Davis said Republicans found much to like in Trump.
“He had local support from Gov. Chris Christie. He also has friends like former Assemblyman Edward Kline, who has known Donald Trump for years,” Davis said.
“A lot of senior citizens are in our county organization. Protecting Social Security and not cutting benefits is important to them,” Davis said. “We haven’t seen a lot of guidance from Democrats.”

Likewise, Davis said supporters think Trump’s administration will do a better job with foreign affairs.
“We’ve had the worst national security under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. People are looking for smart foreign policy,” he said.
Meanwhile, Republicans endorsed Paul Rosenberg, 35, of Egg Harbor Township, for county clerk and incumbent Rich Dase, of Galloway Township, and Hamilton Township Deputy Mayor Amy Gatto for freeholder.
“I’m pleased that all three candidates are younger than I am,” said Davis, 42. “It’s a sign we’re getting more young people involved in the public process.”


Anonymous said...

How can anyone say "well that was over 20 years ago?"? I am shocked and disgusted that with what Atlantic City is today, how Trump had so many kids, instead of college, working at casinoes for big money (to them), how could anyone in Atlantic County even consider him? We have the honor of being #1 Foreclosure Capital of the country. Support from Chris Christie, most New Jerseyans are ashamed to have him as our governor.

Kasich was a losing battle and the Atlantic County Republicans would rather pick a piece of dog crap reality star because he will more than likely get the nomination, then show some integrity and stick with Kasich. But no, gotta be on winning side even if it means screwing the constituents.

The only "trickle down" theory here is going to be when Atlantic City collapses, the number of more foreclosures, more unemployment and more people needing public assistance.

I always felt Mr. Davis was a stick in the mud lacking any ethics, but this just takes the cake.

Anonymous said...

Davis was 21 when all this went down with Trump, glad he can put it behind him while he was attending law school and people were losing jobs. Idiots following in lock step. Sheeple. Rescind my card.