Monday, March 07, 2016

Action Taken To Stop AC DevCo Funding

  Emailed Press Release

Hammonton, NJ – Two Western Atlantic County Towns took formal action to block the $200 Million Atlantic City Gateway Project, which will include the relocation of the South Jersey Gas Corporate Headquarters from the Folsom/Hammonton area to Atlantic City. At a special public meeting held on Thursday, March 3rd, Hammonton and Folsom Mayors and Town Councils met in an unprecedented joint session of both governing bodies, held at Hammonton Town Hall. The two towns were joined by the Mayor and several council members of Buena Vista Township, along with more than 75 members of the public. Hammonton and Folsom officially voted to request that Atlantic County performs a forensic audit of the developers of the Atlantic City Gateway Project before a final vote on the County Government loan guarantees for its financing.
The project is being coordinated by Atlantic City Development Corporation (ACDevCo) and will include at least $50 Million in Atlantic County Government loan guarantees, a $17 Million Casino Reinvestment Development Authority grant and millions of dollars in CRDA loans, along with $12 Million in tax credits from the State of New Jersey given to South Jersey Gas Company.
Hammonton Deputy Mayor Tom Gribbin introduced a motion, which passed with overwhelming support from Hammonton and Folsom, “We as Western Atlantic County Municipal Leaders are calling for Atlantic County to conduct a forensic audit of the finances of ACDevCo prior to voting on the bond guarantees for this project. In light of the startling new information about ACDevCo’s sister company’s project being $7 million in arrears in a loan to CRDA and Middlesex County, we are demanding that our Atlantic County Freeholders and County Executive slow this Atlantic City project down and perform a comprehensive review of the financial health of the company they are about to guarantee $50 million to, with our tax dollars.”
“We will take every action necessary to stop the County, and every other government agency, from using taxpayers’ money to move South Jersey Gas Company from Western Atlantic County to Atlantic City,” Mayor Louis “Skip” DeStefano of Folsom added.
During the meeting, several members of the public spoke about the need to hold County and State elected officials accountable for their actions. After the meeting, the Atlantic County Freeholder Board cancelled their meeting that was planned for the final vote to approve the $50 Million in government loan guarantees for this project.
A grass roots organization, called the Western Atlantic Coalition, is leading this effort and will link Hammonton, Folsom, Buena Vista Township Mayor Chuck Chiarello, along with other elected officials, business owners and civic leaders. For more information about this initiative visit or Email or call 609-517-6324.

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