Monday, February 22, 2016

Atlantic City Leaders Fight Against State Takeover

ATLANTIC CITY — In a news conference turned rallying cry outside City Hall, the city’s leaders vowed to fight a state takeover Monday and called for an alternative plan to be introduced in Trenton.
In a fiery 15-minute speech, Mayor Don Guardian called the new takeover plan an insult to democracy and accused the state of putting the city at the brink of bankruptcy.

The city’s elected officials won’t be alone in its fight against the takeover. Representatives from faith-based groups, local unions, the New Jersey League of Municipalities, New Jersey Black Mayors Alliance, Food and Water Watch and other groups spoke during the hour-long press conference.

 Betty Lewis, president of the Atlantic City branch of the NAACP, said the group stands behind the city and called the takeover a civil rights violation. She said the New Jersey State Conference of the NAACP is also backing Atlantic City.
“We will file a civil-rights lawsuit against the state of New Jersey if they continue to usurp our rights,” she said.

Entire story at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don Guardian will get his wish when the state doesn't push the proposal through and lets AC hang itself with its 400 plus million debt. He's behaving like a spoiled child wanting more and more money w/o serious cuts and when the money runs out just what is he going to do about salaries and past due bills?I understand he hasn't been paying bills, pensions health care for quite awhile but what is going to happen when employees don't get paid? He has no backup plan it seems. Totally clueless and he and his council have used dynamite to blow their bridges to Sweeney and Christie after Mondays rally. I understand Whelan is also enraged by all this and he has been sponsoring the bills.Maybe they won't have cars in the future to go to Home Depot and load lumber. Yes, they are still allowed to sign the cars out.