Monday, January 04, 2016

B. Rheault Address To Mullica

Hello Gadfly,

I never had the chance to address my supporters prior to the end of my term as a Mullica Township Committeewoman, nor tie-up loose ends following the General Election and subsequent recount.

Please afford me the opportunity to do so via a post on The Gadfly site. Please consider this email my post.

After some reflection, I would like to offer up a quick "Auld Lang Syne" to tie up loose ends.

I am proud to have served as Mullica Township Director Of Public Works for three years. Many improvements were made to existing equipment, at significant savings to the Township, because we took advantage of the skills, mechanical talents, and ingenuity of employees. Public Works has not one, but two operational "brining systems" that will result in more efficient snow removal; the original brining equipment mixing/holding tank had been purchased, sat uninstalled in the Municipal backlot, and had remained non-operational until it was installed and utilized by PW Superintendent Steve Sperlack in 2013. The Public Works Department has taken on more general maintenance and repairs to existing equipment, which reduced costs associated with sending work to outside vendors. Old and unreliable equipment has been replaced or upgraded. The result? Mullica Township has a municipal department that works smarter and more efficiently with reduced manpower. Scheduled work gets done and services have not been negatively impacted. Continued manpower loss and the inability to attract highly-skilled, appropriately certificated/licensed workers can and will result in the diminishment of services. If you don't have the manpower to: plow snow, mow grass, maintain the Recreational Fields and other Township property, pickup litter, install signage, chip brush, operate the Transfer Station, perform routine maintenance on township equipment, pump storm drains, repair and maintain existing roadways, assess the quality of our roads, removed downed trees, set-up for special events, and respond to natural disasters and emergency situations (and a
myriad of other "little jobs" that require PW manpower) then our residents will not receive the services that have been performed responsibly, reliably and professionally. in the past. Our Transfer Station Ordinances were updated and brought into alignment with the County, the Recreation Fields have never looked better, and our roadsides will now include "no mow zones" to protect critically endangered plants and animals. I was honored to have worked with
PW Superintendent Steve Sperlack. He is experienced and dedicated to his work and this township. He always made the time to explain the inner-workings of the department. He understands how to efficiently run his department, what equipment is necessary to get the work done, and has always been a consummate professional when listening to my concerns, responding to complaints, or answering questions. The next Director of Public Works will inherit a gem of a department.

2015 ended with my one-vote loss in my bid for re-election to Township Committee.

After the recount and examination of ballots, and unwilling to possibly risk a tie by challenging the election - that would have forced a costly Special Election on Mullica Township - I decided to halt my efforts and accept the loss.

Anthony Gabris and I ran a good, clean campaign. We didn't resort to making false accusations. We didn't engage in political gamesmanship. We avoided negative campaigning. We violated no laws regarding the distribution of campaign materials. We never resorted to innuendo.

I remain disheartened, however, that "not every vote counted" in November. Some good folks who did vote for me lost their vote, or weren't given the opportunity to correct (unbeknownst to them) their vote, or that they were outright disenfranchised.

The opportunity to vote is a guaranteed right of a person to chose who will represent them. 

The recount was an eye-opener for me. I realized that NOT every vote counts. I also realized not everyone able to vote does so
I worry that a Township Committee comprised of only one party lacks the "checks and balances" and a "Devil's Advocate" to keep government operating fairly and openly. A One Party Government (regardless of affiliation) can rapidly lose the public trust. A One-Party Government might fail to consider all sides and angles of issues and concerns, and become complacent.

The end result of the election was not-so-good for me, but at least some serious (and troubling) issues in the current voting process came to light.

Existing voting laws need examination.
Updated technology and improvements to the election system need to be considered.

The "human factor" in how the election process is carried out requires intense scrutiny.

A positive outcome (for future candidates and our voting system) is that a special bi-partisan commission was formed through the order of Atlantic County Judge Sanson.

My hope is that this group will investigate:

- How voting irregularities are handled at the polls when ballots are cast;
- how vote-by-mail ballots are designed and processed;
- how an outside agency (the United States Postal Service) handles delivery of mailed ballots;
- if mailed ballots are expeditiously processed and delivered on a timely basis;
- how mailed ballots are received, counted, accepted or rejected by The Board of Elections and the County Clerk before/during/after Election Day;
- how provisional ballots are handled and processed;
- how can we ensure that every vote IS counted, that no voter is disenfranchised, and if votes are rejected on a "technicality", or if an error made in the processing of a vote, how might the error or lapse be remediated or fixed to avoid losing the vote?

With all that said...

I have dedicated my life to public service.
Serving the public (as educator, volunteer, committeewoman) is and will always be an honor.
I will continue to be a "voice" and advocate for folks who feel disenfranchised, treated unfairly, or require extra help or assistance in navigating life in our community.

I don't plan on leaving, giving up, or ending my advocacy - nor is this the end of me being me.

I'm around. I will continue to speak my peace, speak out and speak up. I will hold those in authority accountable for their actions and decisions. I expect transparency and open decision-making. I hope that the rural nature of our Township is maintained, and that any type of targeted Economic Development is openly considered, no “special deals made”, and that our lifestyle is not adversely compromised or impacted by future development. I will dedicate myself to getting people to vote, getting people eligible to vote registered, and making sure that registered voters go to the polls.

Regardless of your political party, gender, race, religion or beliefs - we all deserve to be treated fairly, with dignity, and with respect.

With that said - I look forward to 2016. It is a New Year and I am focused on exciting possibilities, am ready to accept new challenges, and am prepared to move forward.

May we (and our families and friends) be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year.

Barbara Rheault



Anonymous said...

The clerk and the clerk's office should be held accountable for mishandling the ballots. The mail in ballot process is ripe for voter fraud and abuse by mishandling ballots. In Atlantic City over 700 mail in ballots were utilized in two voting districts. The mail in ballots were in direct conflict with the results on the machines. Something stinks in Denmark.

Anonymous said...

Seems Barbara is still upset about the election results . She lost to a newcomer and after she did all the right things from her view. The winning side got all the votes out with many following the party line and they didnt even campaign nor send out flyers which is pretty amazing. Without Anthony or Barbara or any watchdog group the Brown team is pretty free to do whatever they want and it seems the residents are ok with that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service, and thank you also to all of those who have served and continue to serve. Also, thank you for not costing the taxpayers any additional money. Hopefully this voting fiasco will be used to correct any deficiencies in the Atlantic county voting system. As to inuendo, there seems to be plenty in your post, passive aggressive, along with boasting behavior is not your best quality Ms Rheault. #isavedtheroaddept #mullicasjoanofarc #youarenotthatimportant #REALLY?

Anonymous said...

No they are not Ok with the current council, many residents just don't care anymore. They know who really runs the Township. We need another Larry.

Anonymous said...

Aw come on,9:11am. Mrs Rheault was giving praise to Steve Sperlack & our road crew and took the time to let us know about the good improvements that were made. I think that she was the only committee person to try to reach out to the people through the Gadfly. That I really liked. She tried to communicate with the residents. Now we will be very lucky if our crew doesn't walk off and quit in the middle of of snow storm under their new director. The Mullica people never wake up and they will get what they deserve.

Moderator said...

7:53PM., I agree with you! If you know another Larry, please have them Email the Gadfly ASAP.