Monday, December 14, 2015

Mullica Historical Society Meeting - Tuesday,12/15



Member Marge Cochran has invited our guest speaker, her sister, Mary Stout, Parliamentarian to speak this month.  The regular meeting will be Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00 p.m. at the Hilda Frame School, Pleasant Mills Road, Nesco.  Thank you to all who helped make our first “School House Christmas” a smashing successful event.  See you on the 15th!
Mr Dennis Stanford has denied responsibility for his comment posted here at 4:27am from his google account.



Anonymous said...

Why...because Mr. Gabris, the self appointed President doesn't know procedures? He was on Township Council for four years...shouldn't he know about bylaws, agendas, and codes of ethics? Heard the members are tired of getting the run around at meetings. Big question is why no CO. He has put the Historical Society, School, and Township at risk! Kuddos to the members for putting on a successful Christmas Program. Not even a thank you from Mr. Gabris.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that mr. Gabris has not got a CO. As a town council member and one who use to enforce the zoning in mullica he knows he should have done this. I guess he doesn't think he has to follow the law like the rest of us. This could definitely put the town and school at risk. Shame on you Mr Gabris!

Anonymous said...

He didn't apply for the CO until members confronted him which was September, nine months after occupying the building. Should of been done first, but the excuse heard was there was no funding....however, the Township Council did waive the fees!!!! He sure made it clear when a very large donation came in June for $10,000 to make sure he got his money back he put into the building...roughly $3,000. Many donations were received when the Historical Society moved into the building? Why wait?

C Werner said...

Yes, Mr. Gabris was instrumental in leasing the school for Mullica in the Pines Historical Society. To that we are thankful. However, unless you've been a member and attended the meetings, you really don't know what is going on. He always has an excuse at the meetings. When asked for agendas, bylaws, donations records, expenses. He has put the Historical Society at risk, let alone jeapordizing our non profit status. Donors are questioning whether or not their money was received. He has spoken disrespectful to members that have made sustainal donations. Yes, he made sure he got paid back for his expenses. However, many members have donated services to fix up the school. He used the Historical Society as a stepping stone during the election when he said he wasn't going to. He has said many times he was going to cancel the lease with the school as a threat to members who questioned him. Just recently, he said he hoped our Society would fail. Is this the kind of leader we want? And yes, he should know parliamentary procedure from being on Township Council, plus being a former Zoning Officer concerning the CO. So be it if anyone thinks I am a trouble maker or acting like a child...enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

When I made a donation to the Mullica Historical Society it was to help with the school not to pay back any existing loans from any individual. It was clearly stated at the time of the donation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all the people who have worked hard to preserve the history of Nesco and mullica twp. To think that anyone would use a community project for political or personal gain is a disgrace. Hopefully ur project can now move forward. Good luck and MERRY Christmas.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry but from what I can see everyone in loved is simply out for heads. And position. And when you say that nothing has been done the correct way why do you continue to take money and your 50/50 are not leagal. Granted rocky start but sounds like you and your at the time self appointed vice president are just out for power isn't your self appointed vice-president now acting president and after all this time no one was ever voted in. How long has Anthony had this and your club collected donations and never had election or set up any goals as a club of what your goal is. And as a tax payer of mullica and your club simply leases this building are you telling me my taxes are paying to sit here and read this. When it could be sold or donated as to lower cost of taxes to schools to hold property that tax payers pay for. You know I'm all for clubs and such but I'm not a member sounds as though I don't want to be and I don't like being taken for my money to hold onto a building that could be sold or donated. I feel you should be shut down and town should be able to vote if the school can be used in this fashion and the tax payers not be charged for it. And you know we are.

Moderator said...

Mr. Dennis Stanford has denied responsibility for the above post from his google account. Blue link under this article for original posting.

DennisnBruce Elwoodnj said...

This is Dennis Stanford I'm informing everyone a post was done on here from my work computer and it wasn't me I have found out whom it was and am taking action for the defermation of club myself and my shops this is petty and uncalled for let alone underhanded. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Stanford and his "impostor" must have played hooky when spelling, grammar and punctuation were taught.