Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dangerous Blades Being Placed In State Parks

David M Demsey to Motor Vehicle Access Of NJ State Land
Over the past 2 days we have witnessed some acts of terrorism on our own state. I need your help. I need exact locations of the areas as in pin points or gps coordinates of where these "weapons" have been placed. My advice to everyone from here on out call 1877warndep upon discovery and do not leave until state park police or a game warden comes and removes the device. These incidents need to be recorded and the person needs to be put behind bars. These do not only puncture tires, but also present the danger of a serious laceration of a human foot, horses hoof, hunting dogs foot etc etc. Here are 4 different pictures of 3 different devices similarly fabricated at 2 different locations about 20 miles from one another.

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