Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Christie Conditionally Vetos Pilot Bill For Atlantic City

An Atlantic City councilman said Tuesday that Gov. Chris Christie wants major changes in Atlantic City in exchange for the casino property tax bill that is meant to stabilize the city's finances.

Councilman George Tibbitt said the main changes Christie wants includes the privatization of trash collection, a long-term lease of the Municipal Utilities Authority and regionalization of the city's police department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing he did since this was a bad bill written for the casinos and for AC but at the expense of the rest of us. A flat fee for 15 years to protect the casinos and not cover the expense of raises, vehicle replacements, medical , pension costs etc. AND all the payments would go directly to ac and not any other towns or the county which would have to raise our taxes. The idiot Guardian actually already counted the 50 million this year in his budget so now how does he make up the lost money? I understand the city is already deferring many of its bills already. He needs to declare bankruptcy now and top the delaying and stand up to all the greedy fat cats on council and the unions. Mazzeo and Whelan are only looking at the unions and ac here with the tax and spend.I dont always agree with Chris Christie but he was right on this. They need to be accountable and make serious cuts . Wait till they now see more casino tax appeals and possibly Carl Icahn pulling out of the Taj rather than getting fleeced with the current high taxes. By the way, in my opinion the casinos were taxed not on their value but on the idea of the city leaders finding more ways to fund what they wanted. They deserve Glen Straub and Mayor Guardian will you please get some backbone and make the cuts?Supposedly he hasnt had a press conference about this yet as he "studies" the veto