Monday, October 19, 2015

EHC Police Robocall

I just received a most welcome robocall from the EHC police. Two people posing as utility workers gained access to a home today. They said they were checking the utilities and while they were in the home they went through personal belongings. I'm not sure if they used the word ransacked but what they did say is they were not utility workers. They said if anyone comes to your home saying they are utility workers to please call 911. If an email comes through with the exact message I will cut and paste it. Thank you EHC police for making the residents aware of criminals trying to get access to our homes.

This morning two (2) male subjects posing as utility workers approached a resident and requested to check his/her utilities. While inside the residence, one of the subjects distracted the resident as the other rummaged through the house. Fortunately, it appears that nothing was taken, however, we encourage everyone to be cautious whenever anyone requests to enter your home. If you encounter someone posing as a utility worker, please call 911 so we can verify if they are legitimately employed by a utility company. If you have any further questions or concerns please contact the Egg Harbor City Police Department at (609) 965-2901

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