Friday, September 04, 2015

Don't Pass The School Bus

Thinking of Passing a School Bus? You Could Go To Jail

Five points on your license, or even a license suspension could come with a first offense

New Jersey, home of the impatient driver.
Those who have lived or worked here long enough know full well the perils of hitting the roadways a minute too late in the morning or night for work, heading to the doctor’s office, or wherever it is we’re rushing off to.
And then there’s the school bus stop. If you leave too late, you know you’ll get stuck behind what feels like every yellow, kid-carrying, stop-and-go vehicle in the Garden State.
The temptation is there. You’re in a rush, so you want to pass it, whether you’re following the bus or have approached one from the opposite side of the road. But it’s super dangerous, of course, and what many people may not realize, is how illegal it is. The financial and driver’s license repercussions are huge.
According to New Jersey law, specifically statute 39:4-128.1, passing a school bus is punishable by up to 5 points on a driver’s license, five points on a car insurance policy, and no less than $100 in fines. Jail time is even an option.

Any person who shall violate any provision of this act shall be subject to (1) a fine of not less than $100.00, (2) imprisonment for not more than 15 days or community service for 15 days in such form and on such terms as the court shall deem appropriate, (3) or both for the first offense, and a fine not less than $250.00, imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both for each subsequent offense.
After one driving test in your teen years, there’s no need for motorists to be reminded (officially) of their duties on the road. So, what are the rules when it comes to driving near or around school buses?

Some info, from the state:
  • A driver approaching a bus carrying students to and from school, a school activity, or summer day camp must stop no less than 25 feet from the bus when it has stopped. The driver may not move his or her vehicle until the bus’s flashing red lights have stopped.
  • Do not pass a school bus with flashing red lights
  • State law requires that motorists stop at least 25 feet away if traveling on a two-lane road, or on a multi-lane highway where lanes are only separated by lines, or on a privately maintained road.
  • Slow down to 10 mph if traveling on a dual highway, if on the opposite side of a safety island or a raised median.
  • School buses are equipped with yellow, amber or red flashing lights. Yellow or amber lights before the bus stops, and red lights go on when it has stopped. Do not depend on these lights if traveling behind a school bus. These lights could be malfunctioning.
School’s back in session in New Jersey. Let’s help keep it a safe year on the roads.



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