Sunday, September 13, 2015

Christie -"Stop Reading Newspapers"

 HAMPTON, N.H. — Just days after referring to New Jersey's newspapers as "rags," Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday people should "just stop reading newspapers" when it comes to any investigations stemming from the George Washington Bridge lanes closure controversy.

The governor and Republican presidential candidate, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," lashed out at host Chuck Todd when the newsman questioned Christie's judgment on picking senior officials in his administration. Todd referenced three people facing federal charges for their alleged roles in the bridge scandal, as well as the pending federal investigation into a top ally and friend, David Samson.

"First of all, you have absolutely no idea, you have no idea as you sit here today that he did anything wrong — nor does anybody else," said Christie, in defense of Samson.
"And so, let's stop just reading the newspapers," he said. "Let's just stop reading the newspapers and just blathering back what that is. OK?"
Stop reading the newspapers, ignore the tens of millions of tax payer money wasted on lawyers investigating or defending Christie's Administration and all the lawsuits against N.J.. Don't worry about all the underfunded  N.J.pensions or  that N.J.'s infrastructure is falling apart.  Pay no attention that N.J. leads the Nation in foreclosures & high taxes. Just shut up about all the Christie security details, food, entertainment and transportation millions being thrown down the drain on a doomed egotistical Presidential run.
Just think about all the money that could have gone into the State to bring improvements. How about all those billions from the Exxon Case that we lost because of Christie's last minute intervention?
Just maybe, we could have afforded more than 2 officers to patrol 123,000 acres of Wharton State Forest and law abiding citizens wouldn't be facing losing vehicle access to their favorite places.
Imagine what a wonderful President Christie would be.

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