Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Information About Wharton State Forest Blocked Roads

Over the past few weeks, there have been “rumblings” about the closure of some of the side roads throughout Wharton State Forest, so I decided to call Superintendent Rob Auermuller at Wharton’s headquarters in Batsto Village. Rob was happy to take the time to talk to me, as he had done for countless callers. The way I understood it, Wharton was awarded a federal grant for the sugar sand State road repairs and improvements, contingent upon the creation of a road/trail map of the forest. The narrow side roads/trails to be used by hikers, bicyclists or equestrian traffic are to be marked as such, with blockades that restrict entry by motorized vehicles. ALL MAIN SUGAR SAND/DIRT ROADS WILL REMAIN OPEN!
Obviously, a side product of this restriction will attempt to stop the horrendous destruction of some areas of the forest by that small percentage of visitors who have no regard for the plants and animals, many of which are endangered. More than likely, if you’re reading this, it’s not you doing this damage and you feel that you’re being punished for what these selfish, uncaring lunatics are doing when they turn a delicate wetland into a dead swamp of mud where nothing will survive. Unfortunately, you are but it’s not that much different than, for example, the enhanced security measures that are taken each time you fly, because of a small group of people that are heartless killers. Yes, it’s incredibly inconvenient to have the restrictions, but it is for the greater good.
Instead of working against the protection of the Pine Barrens, why not help? Be the eyes and ears for the limited staff and report any damage, dumping or other inappropriate behavior to either the Batsto office (609-561-0024) or the Atsion Ranger Station (609-268-0444). Talk to Rob Auermuller to see in what other ways, either individually or as a group, you can effect positive change instead of complaining about how inconvenient it is with the current restrictions. (Rob is currently on vacation but should be back soon.) To those of you who work tirelessly and often without thanks, please know you ARE appreciated for among other things, the tons of "other people's garbage" you pick up on a regular basis. The Piney Gods are smiling down on you!

This interactive map shows some of the damage done within the Pine Barrens and most noticeably, Wharton State Forest. Please take the time to click through and take a look at the photos of just some of the damage. . . the damage that needs to be stopped.
End of rant. Thanks for reading.

Related post

Opposition to closures


Dragonfly Sparkles said...

I have been taking my kids to the river since they were babies. We have always carried in and carried out The first thing we do when we get there is set up two bags one for trash and one for recycle. We've taught them since they were one-year-old to respect nature. We've always been there for innocent summer fun. Us mom set our chairs up facing the river, where we could sit in the sun and chat while we watch our kids enjoy the water. There were times when they were younger that we'd make them sit in the jeep until we raked with the rake we brought from home to clean up some trash from the previous slobs that were there before us. We have found boots jeans countless panties and I never understood how you go into the woods with clothes on and leave without your clothes especially your boots. We've cleaned up fishing hooks paraphernalia and empty bottles and put it all in trashbags and made sure it was safe for our kids to play. We've done our best through the years to help keep that place clean not only for the safety of our children for the respect of nature. We have been going to that spot since we were kids ourselves. I am so outraged that because of disrespectful selfish non-caring slimeballs those of us who really enjoy that spot have to suffer. It's really not fair. I wish there was something we could do. Our very definition of summer has always been lazy days at the river. I am so saddened by this. Why do some people have to be so awful.

Anonymous said...

My parents have taken me to the river, I taken my kids to the river. We carry in take out or trash. Make wonerful memories, we gather with friends. Take pride in the nature. My kids respect the great out doors. Learn so much made wonderful summer time memories. Fun laugh. Us moms enjoy showing our kids the beauty of the wilderness. WHY WHY I ASK WOULD SOME ONE TAKE THIS FROM US... PLEASE don't I want to make memories for my KIDS and grandkid. This is what we grew up on. Some suit in a office has more to do them take aways the kids family fun. Please think before you take away the kids out door fun. This is so VERY SAD. THANK YOU