Monday, March 23, 2015

The Cost Of Government

It’s often the human touch that makes the difference. But making that difference can cost a bundle.

With little exception, people represent the biggest chunk of change municipalities spend in operating local government. Salaries and wages generally account for about 40 percent of a municipal budget and as much as 70 percent when benefits are added in.

Due to factors such as union contracts, health insurance premiums and statutory expenses such as Social Security and pension contributions — all of which most officials say are beyond their control — the human cost of local government can devour as many as seven of every 10 taxpayer dollars.

 The 2014 percentage of salaries and wages to the total budget for Mullica is 31.93%.  This is about 1% lower than the average % of all Atlantic County communities.

Adding in benefits,such as healthcare and pensions, balloons that amount to 54.34% of the budget.
Total Population  - 6147  -  # of Employees - 39

Total 2014 Budget    -  Salaries    -   % of Budget   -   Healthcare  -  Pensions   -  Total Cost
$5,508,230               $1,758,761          31.93%           $826,971         $407,705      54.34%
The above figures were taken from the article linked below.

The actual final 2014 budget was $5,742,428.34
The proposed 2015 budget is $5,485,678.
Balance of outstanding debt is  $1,606,549.60
Above figures were taken from the actual final Mullica 2015 Budget Proposal which will be presented for hearing at the April 14th Committee Meeting


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out who the 39 employees are but that's $1,767 a month EACH just for health insurance a month. They must be counting all the retirees who receive lifetime coverage for their families.

Anonymous said...

Too much for almost nothing. Time to go to consolidated county-wide services. Property taxes are financially killing the community.