Monday, March 02, 2015

Christie Shifts Position On Common Core

NEWARK (AP) — Gov. Chris Christie's position on the common core education standards, which are deeply unpopular among conservative Republicans, appears to be evolving as he positions himself for a potential presidential run.

As many New Jersey students begin to take new state tests aligned with the standards, here's a look at his statements on the topic:
Less than two years ago, Christie was touting his state's commitment to the standards, which he'd signed onto as part of an application for Race to the Top funds.
"We're doing Common Core in New Jersey and we're going to continue. And this is one of those areas where I've agreed more with the President than not," Christie told the audience at a school summit in Las Vegas on August 2013, according to video footage of the event.

Speaking in front of conservative activists at a convention in Washington last week, Christie went even further, saying he had regrets about the standards' implementation and suggesting the state may go in a different direction after a commission he appointed issues its report in the coming weeks.
"But my concern now, as we've begun to try to do implementation, it's not only the heavy foot of the federal government that's coming in, but it's not doing what we need to have done in New Jersey. We need to have local control — parents, teachers in those classrooms — they're the ones who should be helping us at the state level set the standards," he said, adding that, "We signed on to try to get funds during a really difficult fiscal time."

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