Monday, March 16, 2015

Barr Appointed To Pinelands Commission

TRENTON – Months of hearings and delays on the nomination of Ocean City resident Robert Barr to the Pinelands Commission ended dramatically Monday as the full Senate voted 21-17 on its second ballot to confirm the appointment.

The first vote ended 19-18 with Senate President Stephen Sweeney among those abstaining. With Barr lacking the necessary 21 votes to earn the appointment, Sweeney held the nomination until later in the session, giving proponents of the nominee time to work the room and toward a decision.

About 100 people wearing green “Protect the Pinelands, Stop the Pipeline” and “Don’t Stack the Pinelands” T-shirts erupted into wild applause when the first vote was tallied. They were warned outbursts would not be tolerated and were escorted from Senate Chambers when they responded with loud boos upon the second vote.
“The vote is done,” Barr said, adding he holds no grudges against those who worked to defeat his nomination. “I’m who they’ve got. I hope they’ll work with me.
Entire article at

The New Jersey Sierra Club said in a statement on its Facebook page that approval of Barr’s nomination “is a sad day, not only for the environment, but for the democratic process.”
“This vote is a travesty for the Pinelands. After Robert Barr was blocked three times, dirty politics has reared its ugly head. Barr’s appointment dismantles 40 years of Pinelands protections, threatens an UN biosphere reserve and one of the largest sources of fresh drinking water on the East Coast,” the statement reads.

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