Tuesday, February 17, 2015

TV Ads Depict The Problems With PARCC Testing

Hear the rest of the conversation

New TV ads highlight PARCC problems
Parents, teachers tell the truth about testing

These powerful ads, which are taken from real, unscripted conversations will run on TV and online for the duration of the first round of PARCC testing in New Jersey.
The stories in these ads drive home the toll of testing on a very personal level.  Please watch them and share them widely.  Then take a moment to contact your legislators and demand action


Three important testing reform bills are moving through the New Jersey Legislature right now.

On Feb. 12, the Assembly Education Committee passed the first two easily, and we expect the third one to be passed soon. That’s good, but it’s only a beginning.
We need to urge every New Jersey Legislator to vote YES on these bills and put them on Gov. Christie’s desk quickly.

Details on these bills and contact your legislator at
Related post

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