Monday, February 23, 2015

Christie Must Put $1.57 Billion Into Pension Fund

TRENTON — Republican Gov. Chris Christie and the state’s Democrat-controlled Legislature must find $1.57 billion to put into pension funds for retired public workers, a judge ruled Monday in a decision that comes as a major blow to the governor as he prepares to run for president.

Unions for public workers sued Christie after he announced last year he would not make the full pension payments he had agreed to in a 2011 overhaul that was one of his main accomplishments.
Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson’s ruling could force big changes in the state budget late in the fiscal year.
“In short, the court cannot allow the State to ‘simply walk away from its financial obligations,' especially when those obligations were the State’s own creation,” she wrote in the ruling, released a day before Christie is scheduled to make his budget proposal for the fiscal year starting July 1.


Anonymous said...

A suggested campaign slogan,

No Law Left Unbroken - Christie 2016

Anonymous said...

Where was this court ruling when the past 4 Governors skipped paying into the pension?

I like the ruling, I dislike Governor Christie too but the real culprit here is the pitiful justice system we have in New Jersey that allowed these skipped pension payments in these past 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed with his budget address. All about pension reform and nothing about major problems . Not one mention of funding the transportation fund and the pension fund. I believe he will not put the money into the fund and will defy the judges order. He indicated as much in the speech.The debt is the same as when he entered office and the state has declined in bond rating, economic recovery , and still ranks the highest in property taxes. Businesses are still leaving the state. He has been traveling out of the state constantly since re election and hasn't been tending to his job here and now it's coming home to ruin his ambition of being in the White House.Again , he has no intentions of following the judges order. The very same judge who saved him from both the other pension court case and the bridgegate affair.