Thursday, January 22, 2015

Christie Tax Payer Funded Expenses

Gov. Chris Christie’s planned trip to the United Kingdom next month could cost taxpayers some $40,000, if his 2012 trip to the Middle East is any measure. But don’t expect to see a full accounting.
The Christie administration has refused to release details on almost $800,000 in American Express credit card bills from past Christie trips, the New Jersey Watchdog web site reports.
New Jersey’s state trooper bodyguard costs for its governor have grown by 1,800 percent since Christie became governor, the web site found. State records showed those costs during his tenure at $959,856 — not including unreleased expenses for the final quarter of last year. And next up is a three-day trek to the United Kingdom.

The U.K. visit, which begins Feb. 1, will mark yet another period where Christie isn’t on the job as governor as New Jersey. Christie spent all or part of approximately 140 days outside New Jersey last year.

Entire article at

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