Monday, September 22, 2014

Introduction of Jean Gallagher For Mullica Township Committee

When my husband and I began looking for a home to buy in NJ, we met a real estate agent in Galloway and described what we thought would be a perfect place to live. He showed us a home in Sweetwater and we couldn’t believe that something like Mullica existed in South Jersey. Some 20 years ago, we bought the one and only house he showed us in Mullica Township. Despite the magnificent location, I was terribly homesick and dreamed of moving back to Baltimore where we were both born and raised. However, time passed and we gradually began to meet our neighbors. Our children were born and entered the incredible Mullica School District and I was fortunate to get a job teaching within the district.

I reflect back over the past 20 years and am immensely grateful for what Mullica Township has given me; a glorious place to call home. My family has made amazing friendships that will last a lifetime. Our girls have gone to a school which, despite some recent challenges, continues to have the most amazing teachers and support personnel anyone could envision. Our recreation association and the parent volunteers who oversee it have provided my children with a healthy appreciation for an active lifestyle and have instilled a passion for athletics within them. Sustainable Mullica and our Schoolyard Garden have shown my daughters the beauty of what can happen when one person has a vision and others work to make it happen. Most importantly, though, this town is one where people look out for each other, lend a helping hand, and come together for a common cause. A rare find in today’s hectic, crazy world.

When I thought about running for Mullica Township Committee, I decided that my service would be an opportunity to give something back to this town that has offered me so much.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I would appreciate your support on November 4th.


Anonymous said...

A breath of fresh air! Jean is a fantastic candidate for the committee. Best of Luck!!!

Anonymous said...

This has just turned into a very interesting race.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that a candidate for township committee not only uses Gadfly for a post but is also outreaching to the public instead of networking votes through the power groups.
Hopefully she'll be doorknocking so we all can meet her. Sad to say even though Mr Brown and Mr Riffle went through two elections we never had them knock on our door and reach out .
Good Luck to you Jean!

Moderator said...

The post was taken from Ms. Gallagher's public campaign page.
The Gadfly has not found Mr. Silva's page at this time but would welcome input from both candidates.

Jean Gallagher said...

To the Moderator
Thank you for sharing my public campaign post from Facebook here on your website.

To 6:33
I am trying to reach out to the public through a variety of online venues. I have also set up an email account should anyone have any comments/concerns/suggestions/questions about my campaign ( .

To your point, I already have plans to walk our neighborhoods and knock on doors to introduce myself to as many residents as I can. As a newcomer to this process, I understand how important it will be for me to talk with my neighbors face-to-face and listen to their concerns with a genuine interest.

Thank you for your wishes of good luck,

Anonymous said...

If everyone is excited as I am, there will be a record number of people voting in Mullica in Nov.
Best of Luck, Jean !