Thursday, July 17, 2014

Marro May Leave District

Mullica Township School District Superintendent Brenda Harring-Marro may be leaving the district.

Harring-Marro was hired Wednesday night to be the principal of Atco Elementary School by the Waterford Township Board of Education, that school district's business administrator, Daniel Fox, confirmed Thursday.

He said Harring-Marro has no definite start date, but will start pending her finalizing her contract obligations with Mullica Township

Mullica Township Education Association President Barbara Rheault said the union will work hard to heal the district where Harring-Marro had pushed to fire tenured kindergarten teacher Kelly Mascio after Mascio reported two 5-year-olds may have engaged in sex play in a classroom bathroom,
“We hope that she meets with success in another district, if she does choose to leave Mullica,”

Rheault said of Harring-Marro. “Once a new superintendent comes in we will move forward and go beyond what’s happened, putting the chaos and unrest in the past.”
But Rheault said Harring-Marro’s decision won’t be final until she signs a contract, even though another district has officially voted to hire her.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Best of luck in your new district, Dr. Marro.
I'm sure there's some way Mullica can relieve you of any further contract obligations.

Anonymous said...

"After the arbitrator’s decision in June, Harring-Marro said she would make every effort to heal the divide in the township over the district’s response to the incident."

Marro was smart enough to know that her leaving was the ONLY way to heal this Township.

It's really sad that OUR representatives on the BOE could have cared less about healing this community.

Anonymous said...

Don't count your chickens until they're hatched

Anonymous said...

7:44 PM - That same BOE will be choosing Marro's replacement. That doesn't make me feel too comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Now if we can get 8 or the 9 BOE members to move on it truly would be Christmas in July!

Anonymous said...

A clean sweep including the BOE is the only guarantee toa positive future.
They all went along with it and that includes allowing the "streamlined"minutes. It's sad and reflects badly that there were no dissenting votes nor comments made and no one wanted a better investigation before they trashed the teacher. Leads me to conclude they don't stand up, do the research , or are anti-teacher. If they don't leave the new boss may be the same or worse than the old one.It's still disgusting that it is us the taxpayers who paid for all this stupidity and arrogance.

Anonymous said...

11:49 PM should be 8 of the 9 BOE members - the hour was late and the mojitos were messing up my typing skills.

Anonymous said...

The question is, are we going to have three or more people willing to be on the ballot for the BOE in Nov.?

It appears to be a time consuming, non-paying,thankless job with a lot of responsibility attached.

We need independent people who think for themselves and question how things are done.

Anonymous said...

We don't have that now in any criteria with the lock step votes done in private and coordinated before every meeting in secrecy.

Anonymous said...

As Atco's Principal, Marro will make $112,000.

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank the board of ed in Atco

Anonymous said...

7:44 pm
It's really sad that OUR representatives on the BOE could have cared less about healing this community.

That is a very powerful statement and SO TRUE.

Jaime said...

I don't know what happened in closed session- there are no minutes or notes from what they discussed. But after reading all 27 pages of the arbitrators report, I'm just guessing here, they were misled, lied to, not provided with proper documents, and just didn't question anything. I was wondering how they felt now once they found out they were duped or if they even read that whole report. They chose to back Brenda, they ignored the teacher vote of no confidence and they also ignored the community petition when we asked them to not renew that contract. I heard one boe member said, they wouldn't be bullied by the community and they'd renew her contract to spite. They backed Brenda, they stood by her, and now- I'm wondering if they knew she was applying at other schools or did she go behind their backs. I said from the beginning, she's not from here, she doesn't care that she's making a mess and dividing a community. Now that her true colors came out, how does the boe feel now? They lost friends, cut off friends, supported Brenda and Brenda turned their back on them. She's like Gargamel. A black cloud that drifted over a happy working village and everything turned black and died. I hope she floats on so we can move forward and heal. I hope the boe pays more attention. And I'd love for Mrs Middleton to come back and be the new superintendent should Brenda sign with Atco and leave

Anonymous said...

Jaime, you have my vote if you decide to run for a school board position.

Anonymous said...

You should run, Jamie. The school needs you.