Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Filing Deadline for BOE Candidates Is July 28th.

Filing deadline near for school board candidates

Residents interested in running for their local school boards in November must file their nominating petitions by 4 p.m. July 28 with their county clerk’s office.
Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria: Be able to read and write; be U.S. citizens and have one year’s residency in the school district; be registered to vote in the district; have no contract with, or claim against the board; not hold office as mayor or member of the municipal governing body; and not be disqualified from membership for the conviction of certain crimes.
If elected, within 30 days the new board members undergo a criminal history background investigation through the state Department of Education.
Interested residents must submit a nominating petition signed by 10 qualified voters living in the district. If elected, new board members are also required to attend mandatory training sessions.
More information is available from local school board offices or county clerk’s offices.

For more information see 7/18 post below.
A comment was received that stated only two people have filed their petitions so far. There has been lots of talk about a change being needed on the BOE. If the people who are complaining about the direction the school is headed don't want to back their words with action, there will be no change.
Three seats are open for election.
Will only three names appear on the ballot giving the voters no choice as usual in Mullica?
This is your chance to put words into action and make a difference.


Anonymous said...

Over the past few months, many people in the community have attended the BOE meetings and have voiced their concerns about how Brenda and the BOE were tarnishing our "gem in the pines". Many also spoke about the need to get the current members off the BOE. Well folks, actions speak louder then words! Get an application and run for the BOE. Do you really want the same BOE that have been memorized by what comes out of Brenda's mouth to hire our new superintendent? Do you want a Brenda clone or even more scary, Matt Mazzoni running our school? Speaking up at BOE meetings is a start, now we need action

Anonymous said...

It's Friday the 25th now. I believe that by the 28th, we will have more than three new people putting in their petitions.
The Mascio mess was a wake-up call to the residents of Mullica. The BoE has the power to make or break our school and our bank accounts with the decisions they make.
A change is needed now to insure more mistakes are not made.

Anonymous said...

Four people right now and we don't need a lot of people to sign up because if any board member tries to run again, we are not voting for 10 different people and our vote are scattered amongst all that signed up.

Anonymous said...

The board members whose seats are up for election are Terence Watson, Melinda Matos and Lori Kelly.
These are three people who should not get any votes if they decide to run again.

Anonymous said...

Who are the people running?

Anonymous said...

I have heard that Lori Kelly has withdrawn her children from the Mullica School District and is, instead, sending them to a private faith-based school. She surely has every right to decide what she believes is best for her children. However, if she feels as though the Mullica School is not capable of providing her children with a proper education, she should not run for re-election to the Mullica BOE.

Anonymous said...

Lori Kelly especially should not be on the BOE - she pulled her 3 kids from our school to send them to Pilgrim Academy because she doesn't like the climate in Mullica - Gee, how did the climate turn bad? Can you say BHM and the BOE?

Anonymous said...

Is the 4th "mystery child"going to Pilgrim,too?

Anonymous said...

Well, if you register 3 children at Pilgrim for about $12,000 a year,they let your 4th one in for free.

Anonymous said...

I would assume that deal from pilgrim would be for 4 kids from the same immediate family.

Anonymous said...

I heard that their house is for sale. Maybe pulling the kids out has nothing to do with giving them a proper education. Maybe they just don't want to pull the kids in the middle of the school year if they move out of town.

Anonymous said...

Gittin out of Dodge while the gittin's good.
Better watch if more BOE members start putting their signs out. Maybe they're privy to information about a tax tornado headed our way.

Anonymous said...

I was really upset when the Brown Administration took away our right to vote on the school budget. Now I'm angry that we have to wait until November to put new people on the school board.
These three people are getting an extra critical seven months in office. They could have been voted out in April under the original system.

Anonymous said...

The Town Council had nothing to do with moving the school elections. The BoE itself moved the elections themselves.

Anonymous said...

RE 9:21 pm
Isn't it ironic that the Town Repubs had a fit when a Dem. Mayor negotiated the school tax down to 1 1/2%. They didn't want any increase.
Then you have the new Repub. Administration eliminating the budget vote altogether and giving the school board a 2% cap every year without any public approval.
Total hypocrisy

Anonymous said...

12:54 pm
I tried to look up that information but 2012 seems to be a blank record on both the Gadfly and the town site.
I would imagine the town government would have to approve the change.

Anonymous said...

On the school website you can find the minutes of the Feb 13, 2002 agenda minutes. The vote to change the election date and remove voting by taxpayers on the budget was passed by the board 5-3.

Anonymous said...

The three board members are actually getting an additional 8 months because the new people elected in Nov. won't be sworn in until Jan.2015.

Anonymous said...

Per the 3:13 comment- the date should be for the year 2012. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

9:21 pm, poster 12:54 might be right.
I had no problem finding the 2012 town minutes and didn't see any vote on the matter of the school budget.
One thing that I did notice was that Riffle's name was listed as absent a lot in 2012
Out of curiosity, I checked the 2014 minutes. He's been absent 5 out of 13 meetings since June24th.
The town has been running on a 4 person committee 40% of the time.
I found that to be very strange.

Anonymous said...

6:54 pm
It's not so strange. He's only wanted when Brown needs an agreeing vote on whatever might be a tie.

Anonymous said...

3:39 pm
You're right. This board has five full months left to make very critical decisions about the future of our school and new personnel. I hope they learned from their mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Re 8:41 pm
Under the circumstances, it's my opinion the the present board should put temporary people in positions until the new board is sworn in.
No new contracts should be signed, including with the lawyer.
This will avoid years of in fighting among the board, start rebuilding trust within the community, and give the teachers some hope that good change is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Response to 6:54pm & 8:22pm
Riffle had no problem showing up at the 3/19/14 school board meeting, marching to the front of the room and giving an interview to NBC40 about how he trusts the board and Marro in their tenure decision.( see Press article 3/19)Then he left before the meeting was finished.
This was NOT in agreement with Brown, who had appealed to the board to reinstate Mascio back then.
Is it possible that Riffle was basing his confidence on the same false "facts" discussed in private ES sessions of the board?
Lori Kelly,his daughter,was present at the ES sessions. Was board confidentiality broken?

We do know that Marro told the arbitrator things that were proven false. It's a small leap to believe that the ES sessions were filled with the same lies that were never questioned by the board. How convenient for Marro that the ES minutes were empty pages.

Anonymous said...

Remember the kid's game "telephone"?
Well, I've heard tons of bad stuff about Riffle & I don't know what to believe.
I do know that there are strained relationships between Riffle & the repub club.
Mayor Brown has been sick and you should all wish him a speedy recovery because if he steps down,Mullica will be disgraced with Riffle as it's next Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I would like to sincerely thank all the people who put in their petitions by 4:00 today to be on the ballot for the Board of Education.
You stepped up when the town really needed you.