Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Mullica Township Police Department
****FRAUD ALERT*****
The Mullica Township Police Department is advising our residents of potential identity theft. Several residents have received a notice thanking them for opening an American Express account; these residents have NOT opened these accounts. Unknown individuals are attempting to open accounts using our residents' personal information. We recommend you frequently monitor your bank/credit/debit accounts, and DO NOT SHARE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you suspect you are a victim of identity theft, contact Det. Michael Tantum @ 561-7600, extension 121.


Anonymous said...

Any idea how the individuals data was gained access? Hopefully hackers haven't got into the townships computers.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone from the school district office sent out an email containing confidential information - again!

Anonymous said...

Comments on Facebook bring up the possibility a local busimess might have been hacked. I'm sure investigators are trying to find a common element in these notices. Scary.

Anonymous said...

To 7:07 - please explain - who? what? when?

Anonymous said...

Over 100 substitutes had their personal information sent out in an email From the Superintendents office. They know who they are. It includes the Chief of Police's wife and many others who haven't worked there in years. I think it happened in April. Those affected found out in The following week.
It included Soc Security numbers names and addresses

Anonymous said...

And the BOE voted on the excellent job the Superintendent is doing
Fired Kelly Mascio
Lost student walked away from Middle School
Released over 100 substitutes personal data including Soc Sec Numbers addresses etc
Other things swept under the rug
Principal mis statements to the Police

Anonymous said...

7:07 isn't the only person who is aware that over 100 substitutes at school had their personal info name Social Security number home address sent out as an attachment in an email from the office of the Superintendent of Mullica schools including the wife of our Police Chief. The BOE has commended the Superintendent and given her a 4 year renewal on her contract for the great job she's done
* seeking to fire Kelly Mascio
*released info protected by the Privacy Act for over 100 part time people like Soc Security numbers leaving the vulnerable to identity theft
* hired and promoted the MS Principal who gave the false Police report
* had a MS student walk off campus during the day and not know where they were for almost an hour
Great job Brownie! ( no, that was FEMA in Hurricane ) great job Matt we'll promote you to Principal over the whole school

Moderator said...

Anonymous comments may contain information that is true or rumor. The E-Mail episode has not been validated at this time. The next Board meeting is Wednesday, June 17th.

Anonymous said...

Were the police called in when several 8th graders overdosed on pain pills while in school and got suspended last week?

Anonymous said...

To Moderator

Email was validated-those on list got letters

3:32 isn't correct yes there were "drugs " yes there were suspensions but there was anyone that overdosed

Anonymous said...

6:15 should be there wasn't anyone who overdosed

Anonymous said...

Ok, now the question would be if anyone on that E-mail list was a victim of the identity theft.

Anonymous said...

to 6:19 pm
Maybe they didn't "overdose"but they must have been behaving pretty strangely to be caught.

Anonymous said...

Were the Police called about the drugs? Was the school doctor and the school nurse there to check the students?

Anonymous said...

Ask about the data breach of the Social Security numbers. The email was "pulled back" does anyone believe that once data is sent in an email it can ever be recalled? It's out there forever
Truth is an absolute defense, ask the Superintendent

Anonymous said...

At the 6/17 BoE meeting, the Board resolved to enter into a contract with Experian for ProtectMyID Elite 3B Data Breach services, at a cost of $21.95 per person, for approximately 150 people.