Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Countywide Dispatch Center

Atlantic County and Richard Stockton College have reached a preliminary agreement for the construction and operation of a countywide central dispatch facility for police, fire, and emergency medical services.

Stockton would contribute $4.8 million and approximately 10 acres on its Galloway Campus and receive full inclusion in all dispatch services for the college in perpetuity.  Stockton would also house it's police force in the new building.
Additional funding would be provided from the County's capital budget for the estimated $17.2 million construction costs.

The proposed agreement requires the approval of the Atlantic County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the participation of a majority of the County's 23 municipalities.  At this time, 19 towns have indicated their interest in participating.

Entire article at

Video & article at

Update - Stockton Board approves project

12/25/2013 article
Municipalities will be able to opt out, but costs will still be reflected in the county tax.


Anonymous said...

Why is Stockton getting involved in Atlantic County police dispatch? If Stockton has so much extra money it can afford $4.8 million and 10 acres of land, why not help parents and students with lower tuition rates?

Stockton is charged with educating young people not providing police dispatch services for all of Atlantic County.

Anonymous said...

Municipalities pay a lot of money for dispatch services,so Stockton must be paying a lot now,too. They will get free dispatch forever and have a new building to house their security forces.
I don't get the impression they will be involved in providing services to all the towns. I think all the towns will be paying the County directly for services. The question is will this really turn out to be cheaper for the communities.
I heard that the County wants to handle all the property tax money from all the towns. Does anyone know anything about that?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see it mentioned how they were going to divide the costs up for this "shared service". If Mullica would share equally with Atlantic City,Pleasantville and the others for equipment, technology, payrolls& benefits and maintenance, we would be in big budget trouble.
I say hire a few part timers with a telephone for the basement of our police dept. and keep Mullica out of this mess.
The county should stay away from our local taxes too