Monday, November 04, 2013

Mullica Election Issues

Aponte and St. Amour discuss holding down tax increases, protecting the rural nature of Mullica and rejecting any sewer project that would expand residential development.
Local taxes increased by 2.7 % for the 2013-2014 budget.  Brown and Riffle did not return calls for comments over several days.
Read entire article at link:


Anonymous said...

I find it very strange that neither Brown nor Riffle returned the Press's calls. I'm very concerned that they did not want to answer any Press questions or let the citizens of Mullica know their future plans days before the election.

Anonymous said...

I'm more concerned about the fact that the cardboard advertizement for Brown and Riffle I received in the mail was paid for by Amodeo out of Linwood and Chris Brown out of Atlantic City.
I really don't like that our local politicians are accepting favors from out-of-towners. That leads to pay backs to the county machine in the future.

Anonymous said...

To 10:51 am
Brown and Riffle's flyer states "They are working tirelessly to shrink the size of government". They 'grew" the police dept.,so that's out. They must be working on eliminating the Mullica Court again.
I don't think this would be good for Mullica. We don't have very much in this town as it is. We would lose part of our identity as a town and cause a lot of problems with our police dept. traveling to another town to be in court.
I read a long time ago that the county wanted everyone to pay taxes to them. Maybe Brown wants to eliminate the tax dept.
I guess we won't know because Brown and Riffle didn't want to tell the Press anything.

Anonymous said...

Riffle and Brown already rezoned the Elwood Village and thought that the county idea of sewers in ALL of Mullica was a good idea. Now, I find out that they had Amodeo and Chris Brown pay for local Mullica political literature.
That's a red flag going up that the county is too involved in the future of our town.
We don't need the county dropping their unwanted things here.
I have this bad feeling that something big is being planned behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Are you so naïve to think there isn't outside money supporting the Democrat candidates in Mullica?

Ernest A Aponte said...

If you wanted to know where St Amour and Aponte got their funding from, you can look it up online New Jersey Elect online. All of our filings are current and have been posted.
Mr. Aponte, me, used $2,000 of my own money, the other money totaling about $,1800 was donated by Mullica Township residents.

Truth will always set you free.
Signed Ernest A Aponte

Anonymous said...

7:03 pm
Maybe some tree hugging, chicken loving group would chip in a few bucks to the Dems campaign just to help preserve our rural area if they were lucky. The Dems are against the big money developers and selling off our land.

Ernest A. Aponte said...

I love me some chicken. You don't get to be fluffy like me if you don't love ya some chicken. I hug a tree every now and again too. But nope, no chicken money or tree hugging money just good people who love this community as I do.

Anonymous said...

The article says that we lost some grant money. Does anyone know why?

Anonymous said...

9:58 PM - This might answer your question

We had a $24,000 grant to hire an officer but Brown and Riffle decided it was better to pay over $100,000 in overtime and exhaust our shorthanded police force, so the grant was lost.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with a family keeping chickens in a coup in the middle of the pine barrens

Anonymous said...

to 8:28 pm
You mentioned land sells. Did anyone ever investigate how many acres of Township land was sold off or given away through street vacations by this administration?
There were a lot over the last three years. I remember a big one of 150 acres given away to a fellow republican for only $88,000.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Moderator said...

Comment at 7:33 pm was removed and reposted with the elimination of one word.
Anonymous said...
Just voted republican across the board except in Mullica Twp. Just could not vote for the 2
