Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Election Day 2013

                                                    Let your voice be heard !

Mullica's Municipal Offices with the exception of the Municipal Clerk's Office will be closed today for the general election.
All the local polls are open from 6:00AM to 8:00PM - Can you find 5 minutes in those 14 hours to do your civic duty?  People have fought and died for your freedom to vote.

Election issues


Anonymous said...

I'm soooo glad I won't be getting anymore Whelan and Balles literature in my mailbox! The amount of money these two spent on this campaign is appalling.
I see people suffering from our economy everyday. There are people who are jobless, homeless and looking for anyway to feed their families and the food banks are going bare.
Millions upon millions of dollars were wasted on this senate race from both sides. If anyone else was running against them, I would push the button in a protest vote. I've lost respect for both of them.

There really needs to be a cap on political campaign spending. Good people with great ideas are completely cut out of the system because they don't have a mountain of money.
I have to ask myself who will the winner of the senate race be working for, the people or the organizations who put out the multimillions of campaign dollars.

Anonymous said...

While I would love to see everybody making more money, it is common sense that if the minimum wage goes up,the prices of goods will rise along with it and we'll all be paying more for everything we buy.
Employers might be forced to lay off workers and the employees left will work harder and pay more taxes.

Anonymous said...

Following the logic on not raising the minimum wage, everyone in America should be taking pay cuts.