Thursday, September 12, 2013

OPRA Requests

                                                     Open Public Records Act

OPRA is intended to:

Expand the public's right of access to government records

Create an administrative appeals process if access is denied

Define what records are and are not "government records"

Who may file an OPRA request?

Anyone may file an OPRA request.  Although OPRA specifically references citizens of this state, the Attorney General's Office advises that OPRA does not prohibit access to residents of other states.  Also people may file OPRA requests anonymously without providing any personal contact information, even though space for that information appears on the form.  OPRA specifically prohibits anonymous request for victims records.

What is a government record?

OPRA defines a government record as:  "...any paper, written or printed book, document, drawing, map, plan, photograph, micofilm, data processed or imaged document, information stored or maintained electronically or by sound recording or in a similar device, or copy thereof, that has been made, maintained or kept on file...or that has been received in the course of his or its official business..."

If you have been following the website for the last couple of years, you know that a litany of OPRA requests were filed in Galloway Twp..  Since 2011, Galloway has paid nearly $60,000 to Attorney's for their work on OPRA requests. has obtained through Open Public Records Requests; Closed Session Minutes, Emails, Online Comments, Subpoenas, Confidential Memorandums, Legal invoices, etc. that have led to many investigations and discoveries involving Galloway Twp. politicians and employees.

Although the Press article linked below describes the expense and time consumption of the Galloway Twp. OPRA requests, the Galloway Twp. politicians are a bit more cautious about the way they do business knowing that someone is watching.  That is a very,very good thing.


TS said...

Does this mean , i have a right to OPRA request everything King Brown had pass or discussed in private session ???????????

Anonymous said...

You can request executive session minutes.

TS said...

Can i ask how many times L.Riffle was absent from meetings cause i heard if you miss so many that person has to be replace ?? Can i get that information ??