Monday, August 05, 2013

National Night Out

                               Mullica Township Police Department

                                      " NATIONAL NIGHT OUT "

           Tuesday, August 6, 2013                                 5pm to 8pm

           Location - Township Recreational Fields on Elwood Road

Child fingerprinting, carseat checks, Swat Team Demo, Fire Trucks and Ambulances will be on display.  Enjoy an American Classic Car show, Raffles, bouncy house and more.

Take a chance on a handmade custom guitar made by Brian Jamerson of Orion Guitar finishing.

Free Hot Dogs and Refreshments and Awesome Giveaways from Area Businesses !

A great opportunity for the whole family to meet our local police force, as well as county, state and military agencies that assist our township.

             Bring all the kids for a fun filled night and great learning experience !

               MTEA and the Mullica REC will also have tables for you to visit.

In rural communities, National Night Out helps bring far-flung residents to one place where they can meet the police force and learn ways to keep themselves safe. 

"We have about 6,000 residents, over 65 square miles.  We're so large, we can't just walk the neighborhoods," said Capt. Brian Zeck, who organizes Night Out for Mullica Township.

This will be Mullica's third year participating.

"Our overall goal is to send a message to criminals, to let them know neighborhoods are organized and are going to fight back," Zeck said


Anonymous said...

I think this is the 4th year we have had National Night Out here. I remember it was started the ONE year the Dems had control in 2010. St. Amore started Sustainable Mullica that year ,too

Anonymous said...

Chief Register initiated the first National night out. He did a great job. And kudos to Susan Polk for sustainable Mullica, and also kudos to the community that supported her. All the man that you mentioned did was fight with the repugs for 3 years, nothing good came of his term.

Anonymous said...

You're right! He did fight with Forman and Chasey for good reasons.
He only had the majority vote for ONE year after those two left.
In that one year as Mayor, he started National Night Out and Sustainable Mullica and appointed Susan to run it.
He compromised on the school tax and got it reduced to half. Brown's administration took away your right to vote on the school board budget.
He created a liaison to the fire Depts. to help bring unity among them.
He reversed Chasey and Forman's ordinance that took away your right to free speech at the dump and free access to the parks.
He rode in the snow plows all night long during the heavy storms. He worked at the dump, helping to unload garbage.
He got us a new fire truck and started gov deal auction.
He accomplished much more for the people of this community in that one year than can be mentioned here.
He did things fairly and didn't hand out special favors.
He worked for all the people. He did fight and thank God that he did or we might have a trash transfer station here right now or a rehab on the Pike.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the fighting might start again if he's re elected . The towns been pretty nice since they have ALL been gone. I don't see a rehab or transfer station either so I guess the other guys did good too?keep the peace friend, and lets not start that crap again. It won't get the votes and will only destroy the NIce town we all know and love.

Anonymous said...

What I see is the Village was rezoned, sewage is being discussed, the planning board is packed with Brown's people,moving our court services out of town is still an issue,lots of township acres have been sold off cheaply,lots of money has been going out on lawyer fees,the zoning officer seems to be a big problem that's just ignored.
Word on the street is that Brown's a dictator with county ties and getting all his ducks in a row.
I'm sure he does want silence and secrets until it's too late.
Getting Brown out will not cause any fighting and will save the town we all know and love.

Anonymous said...

Must be election time again!