Tuesday, July 09, 2013

E Mail to the Gadfly - America

I'm just getting frustrated with ignorance and lack of interest people have about all the things going on around us everyday.  Scandals that are obvious and never prosecuted, doubling of student loans, manufactured clouds, raising allowable radiation levels, loss of our Bill of Rights, GMO food, drones in ours skies, wiretapping, Fisa Court Rules, USA "Anti"- Patriot Act, NDAA, and other draconian, unconstitutional measures.

It seems we are spinning completely out of control into a fascist, totalitarian police state.  I feel like people are all drugged up on flouride and prozac or something and just can't see it.  We could change anything we wanted if people cared.

There are only 535 people in the federal government who are running this country of over 315 million people into the ground.  Most of these politicians get re-elected  because people are brainwashed into being "proud" democrats or republicans who vote party lines
We need people in office who will restore personal freedoms and move jobs back here! 
The main stream media and the politicians have done a great job of dividing this country into Black vs White, Gay vs Straight, Men vs Women, Young vs Old, Dems vs Repubs, etc
Divided we fall.

America belongs to 315 million people, not just 535 privileged,well paid and pensioned, lifetime politicians, of both parties, who sign bills without even reading their contents.  

We have the power of taking back our country and restoring America to the free, worldwide loved and respected country she used to be.  
Listen to this new song performed by Todd Allen Herendeen and written by Kurt Oring.  Maybe you'll be inspired to vote for an Independent, Libertarian or Third Party Candidate this next election day.  It's time to clean everybody out and start fresh before it's too late.

Remember, We, the People, are America!

                                                       "My Name is America"


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