Thursday, July 25, 2013

"CRS" Program

FEMA awards points under a voluntary incentive based program called the Community Rating System.
The "CRS" program encourages towns to exceed National Flood Insurance Program requirements.
The program rates towns in classes from 1 to 10.  There are no Class 1 towns in N.J., which requires 4,500 points and brings a 45% flood insurance discount.

Currently, the highest class in N.J. is a Class 5, with one town, Pompton Lakes, enjoying a 25% flood insurance discount with 2,500 points.  A good class rating also helps improve a town's bond rating.

Out of all the towns in South Jersey, only 4 have a Class 10, no discount rating and Mullica Township is one of them.

Read about the program and see the ratings of the towns at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Under the Chasey administration, we were dropped from FEMA's CRS program for non-participation. This program guided the Township through flood damage mitigation and personal safety. By not participating,those in the community that buy flood insurance lost a 5% discount( close to being 10%) for each year out of the program.

Why? Because the then unqualified and untrained zoning official that the Republicans put in and gave a 16% raise, didn't bother to fill out the paper work involved.

This official continued to be reappointed by the Brown administration even with massive complaints throughout town about errors and selective enforcement.

Sorry, Sweetwater. Now with flood insurance rates going sky high, you can blame the Repubs that you lost your discount that could add up to thousands of dollars a year.
If the program was keep in effect, we might have been up to 15% or 20% off after all these years.