Sunday, May 19, 2013

Click It Or Ticket

The Mullica Township Police will be participating in the 2013 CLICK IT OR TICKET enforcement mobilization from May 20 to June 2, 2013.

Seat belt use saves thousands of lives across America each year.  In 2011 alone, seat belts saved an estimated 11,949 lives.

In fatal crashes during 2011, 77 percent of passenger vehicle occupants who were thrown from their vehicles were killed.  However, only 1 percent  of crash victims who were buckled up were totally ejected from their vehicles, compared to 31 percent of those who were unbelted.

Motorists are 75 percent less likely to be killed in a rollover crash if they are buckled up.

Click it or Ticket works.  High visibility enforcement is credited with increasing the national seat belt usage rate from 58 percent in 1994 to an estimated observed usage rate of 86 percent in 2012- an all time high.

More Motorists Need To Get The Message----------

* In 2011, of the 21,253 passenger vehicle occupants who were killed in motor vehicle crashes nationwide, 52 percent were NOT wearing seat belts at the time of their fatal crashes.

* While this year's Click it or Ticket enforcement mobilization runs from May 20 to June 2, motorists should know that officers are out enforcing seat belt laws year round.

* The national Click it or Ticket mobilization has increased seat belt use and saved many lives over the years, but there is still much more that can be done.  High-visibility enforcement and encouraging loved ones to buckle up can turn thousands of lives lost into many more lives saved.

The above article was posted on the Mullica Township Police Department Facebook Page.

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