Friday, March 29, 2013

School Resource Officer

March 12, 2013 Committee Meeting Presentation / School Resource Officer

Chief Thompson reported his Office has been working with our school, due to the recent events related to the school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, to have an armed police officer in the school for the security of our children.  Chief Stated his Department has a very good relationship  with our school and are highly involved with their emergency planning.  Chief explained the similarities between Newtown and Mullica and stated it is imperative to put safeguards in place to protect our children.  Chief explained the school is able to fund this position in their budget, at zero cost to the municipality's budget; however , the School Resource Officer will be the Township's employee.
Chief stated he is recommending this Officer, which will be two part-time positions, be a retired police officer within the past 3 years.  Chief noted the Committee is considering this evening his recommended qualifications, performance responsibilities, and terms of employment.  Mayor Brown clarified the financing will be in our budget; however, the school will be reimbursing us.  Ms Rheault asked who is conducting the interview.  Chief Thompson stated interviews will be under his direction with input from the School.  Mr Hagaman questioned the hours.  Chief stated the Officer will follow the same openings and closing hours of the students.

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