Sunday, March 24, 2013

Court Commute???

It has been reported to the Gadfly that the Brown Administration has plans to eliminate the Mullica Court.  Two employees in Town Hall will be laid off, along with the Public Defender, Prosecutor and Judge.  The Mullica Police would have to commute to Hamilton Township to have their cases heard. Hamilton Township would give Mullica a portion of the fines accessed.

Regardless of your party or your thoughts on this issue, you should be concerned about how all these negotiations could take place without any notice to the public that the administration was even investigating the idea of a shut down.  Once again the residents of Mullica are deliberately kept in the dark while backroom negotiations take place.
Is there any reason why there could not have been a brief discussion at one of the meetings about the possibility of shared services with Hamilton's Court?


Anonymous said...

I am quite concerned at the way this has been kept secret...I heard that another republican questioned this move and Brown went nuts that he was questioning his rule. Look out...the old boys club is in full swing

Anonymous said...

Brown thinks he's King of Mullica. Maybe the other Republicans should grow a set and stop this guy from doing more damage to this town.

Anonymous said...

9:59 pm, the Dems might not be able to stop Brown from doing what he wants but they could make a lot of noise about things they don't like.
Nothing! Nada! Silence!
The only way to stop him is to vote him out or change the majority and make him useless.

Anonymous said...

Bad move for Mullica Township. Giving up local control of our court system? I guess we are becoming like Camden now, terrible, regretable move that will change our community.

Anonymous said...

I think this is being pushed by the GOP chairman Keith Davis who also happens to be the solicitor appointed by the Republicans.