Saturday, February 16, 2013

Budget Meeting Minutes 1/22/13

The 1/22/13 Budget Meeting Minutes were approved and released at the 2/12/13 Regular Mullica Twp Committee Meeting. Below is a copy of the minutes posted on the website.

                                                                  BUDGET MEETING
                                                                   JANUARY 22, 2013
                                                                            6:30 p.m.

Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. read the following statement led the flag salute.


Roll Call:

Committee Present:  Anthony Gabris, Edward Hagaman,Barbara Rheault, Larry Riffle, Mayor Brown
Municipal Clerk:        Kimberly Johnson
CFO:                          Dawn Stollenwerk
Police Department:  Chief John Thompson, Cpl. Ryan Hutton

Budget Presentation:  Mayor reported since the last budget meeting he had requested Ms. Stollenwerk create budget numbers without the additional patrolman, cutting back to one new police vehicle, promotion of one Sergeant, and cutting of miscellaneous maintenance items. Mayor reported with those cuts the budget is at a 3 cent increase.

Police Budget Presentation:  Chief Thompson reported up until 2010 from the 1980's the Department was comprised of a 14 officer department.  He stated in 2004 four officers retired and two were replaced, due to the economy, noting the Department has been running with 12 officers since mid 2010.   Chief Thompson stated with the current staffing his department is not running efficiently, the overtime costs are escalating and it is difficult to fill shifts.   Chief requested Committee to consider an additional officer to bring staffing level to 13, and to have one Class II Officer.   Chief Thompson stated this additional officer will help with overtime, noting a Class II cannot work overtime shifts.   Chief submitted a graph depicting the costs of a 13th officer which including cost of benefits; he noted he did not have figures for pension costs.   Chief Thompson stated if he were able to hire this officer (based on single benefits), would be an increase of $22,000.00 increase over last year's budget.  To obtain that figure he explained he lowered overtime down to $80,000.00 and reduced the Class II Officer to one position.   Chief stated $89,000 is budgeted which is not realistic, noting last year overtime was over $100,000.00.   Chief stated this officer will not be hired until later in the year which will lower the $22,000 and he also proposed his requested promotion to take place in July which would be a $5,000 savings.  Chief Thompson explained up until 2010 there were also two detectives and now there is one.   He stated in 2012 he utilized the detective as a patrolman for sixty days to save overtime ($20,000), which has lowered the Detective Bureau's ability to perform.   CFO stated we could probably afford this in 2013; however, in 2015 we would be laying this officer off, due to increase in salaries and benefits and no increase in revenue.

Mayor Brown stated we are currently at a three cent increase without the officer and without the schools and County.  Mayor requested input and ideas from the Committee with ways to cut.  Ms. Rheault asked if the Resource Officer being proposed at the school could be a benefit to our Police Department.  Ms. Stollenwerk stated it would be budget neutral.   Chief stated this year with the promotion and step increases to his salaries and wages is $55,000 and next year the step increases is $37,000, noting they will be decreasing.   Chief stated if the 13th Officer is not afforded the overtime needs to be increased to $100,000.00.  Ms. Stollenwerk requested direction from Committee.   Committee to review.

Public Discussion:  None

Mayor closed public portion and entertained a motion to adjourn; so moved by Mr. Hagaman seconded by Mr. Gabris.  RVC: Yeas:  All voted yes

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly Johnson,
Municipal Clerk

The above document was released by the Township of Mullica .  The Gadfly cannot guarantee the accuracy of content located in said document.


Anonymous said...

I would give the Chief the officer he needs. A cop has to be alert at all times. The stress and working conditions must be terrible for our guys.

Anonymous said...

The minutes are from 1/22/13. We don't know what they agreed upon at the 2/12/13 budget meeting.
The last two years of the Brown Administration has left 12 Officers trying to fill 3 shifts a day,cover a 50 mile and deal with the Pike which is a direct line from AC.

Last year over $100,000 was spent on over time. The Police the only Dept. that brings in money to this town and they risk their lives protecting us everyday.

It's a very dangerous situation when they have to be subjected to the extra stress and fatigue brought on by under staffing the Dept.

It was stated that we could afford the 13th Officer in 2013. I would hire the Officer,freeze promotions,and deal with the new vehicle next year.
In 2015, I would be looking for other cuts,like finding a way to close the Municipal Office one day a week. I don't think the residents of Mullica would mind visiting Town Hall Tuesday through Friday to do their business.

Anonymous said...

I think the County is going to hit us hard this year.