Monday, October 24, 2011

Planning going on?

Does anyone have information concerning a plan to put a half way house in our township? I heard third-hand that there was talk about extending one of the housing developments to enable a landowner to have enough property to qualify for the construction. I would appreciate knowing if this is a rumor, or are there facts behind the story?


Anonymous said...

The owner of the Devonshire Inn was trying to get a halfway house approved by the planning board awhile back. That's the large abandoned building on the Pike in the forest zone with the gated arches.
I know that Chasey was trying to extend the Elwood village to include that building for years. It seems that Brown is also for that plan. It was brought up at a recent Twp. meeting

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check the Gadfly archives for more info on this. The local Rs have been trying to help this guy out for years now. To ad lib Yogi Berra, its deja vu all over again, only the names have been changed. Nothing will happen unless the Rs gain the majority again next year. Then, watch out for some new, unwanted excitement in the community.

Anonymous said...

12:14 pm comment: Both his house and bar are up for sale, so I guess he wouldn't care if he sold them would he?

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would the township want to extend the village to help out one guy without knowing what he intends to do with the property, other than his previous attempt to put a halfway house there? Haven't we learned anything from the Waszen debacle? It seems like we're buying a pig in a poke. Is this the gateway that we want for our community, whatever it might be?

Anonymous said...

re 8:14
"Why on earth...."?
That's a good question to ask Mayor Brown,his County Republican Club lawyers and his good buddy,Polistina.
We are collecting taxes on that property now. If it's sold to a non-profit,we get nothing except a higher tax bill for us.
Polistina drew up the plans for the dense housing development on the Waszen property that was pushed by Chasey and Forman.

Polistina made over 6 million dollars by giving donations to local politicans and getting no -bid contracts in return.
A lot of people may be whispering in Brown's ear.

Anonymous said...

This election will determine if the Forest zone along the Pike including the Devonshire Inn is rezoned into the Elwood Village.
I know that Graebener has been fighting this for years. I'm voting for him because I don't want to lose that strip of forest zone along the Pike.
I don't want to see more congestion on the Pike or be surprised by big housing developments,half-way houses or some other crap the County wants to throw here.
A vote for Hagaman insures that Brown has the votes to change Mullica forever.
Wake up, Elwood! This is your LAST chance to save our neighborhood! Vote Graebener!

Anonymous said...

We have a mayor who is there to do the bidding of the county, a deputy mayor who doesn't care and their candidate who has a blank slate. I never ceases to amaze me how some people will still vote for them, not knowing what they stand for but hoping for the best. They not only hurt themselves but their neighbors and their community as well.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the replies, and want to ask those who are commenting on the upcoming election, to post your comments onto this blog, and send a letter to the editor of your favorite newspaper or newspapers. The last election for our committee proved that the Republicans vote, and those who want to change the Republican rule need to get out to the polls, vote to keep their taxes down, and their way of life here in Mullica secure.

Anonymous said...

What is interesting is that it seems the Democrats/Keep Mullica Green people want to reduce taxes and cut costs and the Republicans are the "Tax & Spend" people. They sure aren't "tea party". Why is Mullica the Dumping Ground of the County? This all very interesting!