Sunday, October 02, 2011

Leaves are falling

I have an important question given the amount of rain we have been having. Are you allowed to blow leaves in the storm drains??? Just a concern.

My neighbor seems to think it is a dumping ground for his leaves


Anonymous said...

You have a very irresponsible neighbor who may be the cause of your whole street flooding in the future.

Anonymous said...

Just a Question Where do you live in Mullica twp. That has storm drains

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think this will answer your question.
Chapter 148-3
No person will be permitted to sweep into or deposit in any gutter,street,catch basin or other public place any accumulation of litter from any public or private side walk or driveway.
All litter sweepings must be collected and properly containerized for disposal.
(Litter is also considered to be lawn clippings,or other lawn or garden waste which I would consider to include leaves.)

A maximum fine of $1000 could be charged plus the cost of cleaning out the drain by the Township. The person could also receive a maximum 90 day community service sentence.

Anonymous said...

leaves block the rain from going onto your property & goes onto other properties which causes problems...Bagging is not that hard to do!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should call the road department and complain so that they come over and clean it out. It is illegal to dump along the roadways and in storm drains.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree he has been here for a year ,Granted he keeps a very neat yard.. but he blows the leaves in the storm drain between our properties and into the one across the street... I have tried to speak with him about it but, yea.. he is unaprochable.. SO maybe a call to the road dept.. is the answer... Thanks..