Monday, September 26, 2011

Who Owns Lake Nescochague and the dam?

According to an updated NBC 40 News article and video from last night, Atlantic County has passed the ball back to the Homeowners Association of Lake Nescochague. County Engineer Joseph D'Abundo seemed to make it abundantly clear in the article and video that the homeowners association own both the lake and dam in his statements:

"Dam safety presented us and the homeowners association who own the dam and lake with a letter that stated we had to lower the lake level. And in order to raise the lake level again, perform a study to see what is safe for the dam" says Joseph D'Abundo, Atlantic County Engineer.

"The lake is going to be reduced dramatically almost back to the stream level that it was originally at. So now homeowners who have had a lake in their backyards for years, will now have more of a stream until they decide what to do and what will happen with the replacement of the dam" says D'Abundo.

So that leaves us with questions. Who owns the dam and who owns the lake and who will ultimately pay for repairs and repair it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as the property owners restrict the public from accessing the lake, it will remain private. The problem now is that the dam no longer meets minimum standards for just "repairs" to take place. It would require building a new, larger dam, costing many million of dollars that the county does not have or is not willing to spend.