Thursday, September 29, 2011

Same Issues, Changing Candidates in Mullica

Whatever you knew a month ago about the race for Township Committee here,
forget it. It’s no longer true.

At the end of August, incumbent Republican William Kennedy died due to complications from heart surgery, just as his re-election campaign began.

Normally, his own party members would nominate and possibly choose his replacement. But because Kennedy ran as a Democrat and switched parties during his term, its local Democrats who have the power to fill his seat.

This week, the county committee chose former Democratic committeeman Bernard Graebener, who was challenging Kennedy in the election, to serve until
the end of the year.

To read the full Press of Atlantic City article, click here.


Anonymous said...

Why would the voters expect an active union member to be a good choice to represent them during contract negotiations with the municipal unions, especially in these tough financial times where many are already struggling to pay their property tax bills?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't the "county committee" that appointed Mr. Graebener but the Mullica Democratic County Committee that selected him because of the Township Committee's deadlock along party lines as to who to appoint to fill the vacancy.

Anonymous said...

re 9:39am

Brown and Riffle were endorsed by the union and they gave out RAISES to the Municipal workers.
Other towns and the County froze wages, laid people off or had them take furloughs.
Brown and Riffle promised to "cut the fat" but they RAISED our taxes and also spent Municipal time and money on a "private" road.
We can only wait and see how much of our money gets thrown into a "private" lake and floats down the river.

Anonymous said...

I don't see where both candidates are new, as the headline indicates. Graebener was always a candidate but now he is running as the incumbent.

Anonymous said...

Brown and Riffle were endorsed by the union and they gave out RAISES to the Municipal workers.
I would have worded it-
Brown and Riffle were endorsed by the union to give RAISES to the Municipal workers.

Anonymous said...

Lending a hand to municipal unions to get raises by voting Republican is not going to improve the economy and will not improve job opportunities for the trade unions. They need the Democrats for that and they are cutting off their nose to spite their face when they vote Republican. Always has and always will be.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that Bernie Graebener would never sell out the town or allow the destruction of Elwood.
He has PROVEN that he fights for the rights of the people and not for private interests.
His presence on the Committee would give the Dems a majority vote and give the rest of the town the assurance that our neighborhoods will stay the same.