Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lake Nescochague to be drained beginning Monday, September 26th

Reports on both the Press of Atlantic City and NBC 40 news say that the County will comply with the NJ Department of Environmental Protection order to drain Lake Nescochague starting Monday, September 26th. This is due to safety concerns regarding the dam and damage from Hurricane Irene.

There seems to be conflicting reports as one article states the dam will be repaired and the other does not mention any repairs, but both say the lake will be completely drained and fish in the 40-acre lake will be salvaged and relocated.


Anonymous said...

Who owns this lake? Is is private or public?

Anonymous said...

Just the fact that the County is incurring the expense of removing ALL the fish from the 40 acre lake and moving them to a new location makes me think that they have no intention of repairing the dam.
When will people realize that the current County Administration only thinks of Mullica as a dumping ground for their financial advantage?
They leave trash on our streets,pushed for the rail transfer garbage station and a dense housing development drawn up by Polistina.
The lake community can now ride through the Twp. and see all the signs for Levenson,Polistina and Amodeo,who are supported by Brown, and then go home and gaze at the new swamp in their back yards.

Anonymous said...

Re 11:24 am
My concern right now is for all the wildlife that depend on that lake. This is a disaster for all of Mullica and the pine barren creatures.

Anonymous said...

to 11:24Am
From what I understand, the lake is private but the Twp. does own a piece of property with access to the lake.
I'm wondering if a public access road and boat ramp on this property would convince the State and County to save the lake for everybody to enjoy.
It's a better choice then creating a bug ridden marshland and destroying everyone's property value.

Anonymous said...

There's more information being written about this on Mullica News.
This should concern everyone in Mullica because it may affect your wallet directly besides ruining the environment.

Anonymous said...

This is a private lake, but for several years the Lake Association has told the County Freeholders that they would consider opening it up to the public in order to save it. It has fallen on deaf ears. This is a historic area with a unique wetlands area around it which would be destroyed by draining out the water. There are turtles, fish, otters, beavers, bird egg habitats, tree frogs, etc. that would all be lost. The dam is not in imminent danger of breaking and the assessment that was done states that even if it did break, it would not cause undo harm. Why not wait for FEMA aid to come through before draining it and losing this treasure and all the wildlife in and around it! It can be repaired then. It is not an emergency situation as the County would like everyone to think.

Anonymous said...

Those people around the lake pay some of the highest taxes in Mullica Township, but none of that money has ever been used by the Township or County to help with their dam repair issues.

Anonymous said...

re 12:20 pm
I agree.
Brown is promoting the County Republicans in all ways. Now,they want to destroy the lake community. Next in line is the set up for the destruction of Elwood Village.

We have to have people on the Committee who will fight against the County,not hold hands with them.
This is not a political post! I'm angry with the stupid Republicans who feel that they HAVE to vote party line "to send a message to Washington". Washington does not give a crap about Mullica!
I'm angry about the Democrats,NPA's and unregistered people who sit on their asses and don't bother to vote and then they are shocked when their neighborhood is threatened and they find out that their local politicians are in bed with the intruders.

Rich or poor, Republican or Democrat,our main concern should be putting people in local office who will protect our lifestyle and landscape,not sell us to the highest bidder.

I would place a bet that there are still people on the lake who will have Levinson,
Polistina, Amodeo and Hagaman signs out as they watch the water change to mud before their eyes. Idiots!

Anonymous said...

All interested people are gathering at Rocco's tonight between 6 & 8pm to hear about the Lake situation.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested but just read about the meeting.
Will someone who attended please let the rest of us know what's going on.
I'll be checking back here for updates on the situation.