Saturday, June 18, 2011

Neighbor community to get more development

While the EHC continues to lose residents, new housing plans calls for 300 new homes, at a time when jobs are scarce and are leaving the region in masse. Ignoring the facts, some residents are “hopeful” that this will lower property taxes as the new high school gets filled to capacity and the cost of municipal government continues to increase, as they willingly give up their reason for moving to EHC in the first place - solitude. They will wind up with neither. Let’s hope that this mindset doesn’t spill over into Mullica.

from Press of Atlantic City, Wednesday, June 15.


Anonymous said...

This was the Republicain
Club's reason for wanting to build more homes in Mullica - to make full use of the local schools so that we didn't have to close ours and combine school systems with EHC, property taxes be damned.

Anonymous said...

The cost to educate one child in Mullica is over $12,000.
Property taxes would go sky high if we had to pay for a development of 300 homes with an average of 600 new students.
EHC taxes are outrageous now. This is not going to benefit them one bit.
This could be detrimental to the new high school and our students.
The land owners and developers are the only ones who will profit and they will flee the city and laugh all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall the republican Club making a statement concerning building 300 homes in Mullica. How can you compare building 3 homes to 300? Moderate residential growth, (or replacing pre-existing homes that were destroyed)would not effect our schools or taxes. Continuing to blame one group with incorrect information will not help our town.

Anonymous said...

Legal rebuilding of destroyed homes is fine. Selling 3 Twp. properties of less than 4 acres which are in a 25 acre forest zone to build on is NOT OK.
Have you forgotten Forman and Chasey's plot to rezone Elwood Village???
Polistina drew up a dense development plan for the Waszen property that looked like Atlantic City row homes.
Forman and Chasey are behind the scenes pulling Brown's strings right now. Brown has shown his loyalty to the County above Mullica. I feel it's only a matter of time before the subject of rezoning the Village becomes one of Brown's priorities.
Bend over Mullica,you're soon to be raped by the Republican majority who will damage you forever.

Anonymous said...

RE: 9:26 am post
You need to look no further than at the school board and township committee meeting transcripts, where a former school board member (whose wife taught at Mullica's schools)and a former mayor(who is a local realtor, who both lamented about Mullica having all this empty classroom space available, which, in their opinion, would not increase costs to the taxpayers if more kids were added to the school system. Both have been members of the Republican Club for years and they were supported and put into offfice with the support of the partisan Republican Club members' votes.

Anonymous said...

"I don't recall the republican Club making a statement concerning building 300 homes in Mullica."
I recall our ex-mayor, Cathy Casey and the then head of the Republican Club, as she stil is, promoting the building of 120-150 condos that inevitably would have been Section Eight apartment housing. Vince Polistina, the man who would like to represent Mullica as our Senator, was the project engineer.

Anonymous said...

I believe that 9:26am is correct; it was not the Republican Club, but former Mayor Janet Forman who stated, at a public meeting, that our local school would not be viable without bringing in more children. When asked if this was true, then-Superintendent Richard Goldberg disagreed with the statement, stating the school was at a comfortable size and was in no danger. When you look at Washington Township, they have had fewer than 100 students for years and have only in recent years considered measures to ensure their continuity.

It was under Republican Mayor Kathy Chasey that the idea of bringing hundreds of homes to the Elwood section was discussed. Chasey now appears to be pulling the strings of Mayor Jim Brown, so, in effect, the Republican Club IS the voice of bringing hundreds of homes to Mullica. With a cost of educating a child at over $10,000, even one child per home would be subsidized by the existing taxpayers.

If the residents of Egg Harbor City are gullible enough to believe that new houses will somehow reduce their taxes, they will learn the truth soon enough. Let them have the houses---maybe the extra people will bring other businesses to the area. And EHC taxpayers can pay the freight!

Anonymous said...

"It was under Republican Mayor Kathy Chasey that the idea of bringing hundreds of homes to the Elwood section was discussed.
Actually, it was under Chasey, current head of the Republician Club, that $20,000 of the taxpayers' money was spent to rezone Elood to allow six housing units per acre, which is just about the same housing density now being proposed in EHC. It was more than an idea; it was another "done deal", just like the trash station was. It was only "temporarily" stopped when Graebener and St. Amour were elected.

Anonymous said...

re 10:00pm
I remember everything about that proposed development and the adverse effects it would have had in my area. I also remember that Chasey wanted the Pinelands Commission to approve all the land up to and including the Devonshire Inn into the Elwood Village and out of the forest zone.
We all know that the Devonshire Inn was presented to the planning board as a site for a criminal rehab. With the ball back in Chasey's court,I have no doubt that she is working behind the scenes for the benefit of Waszen and Boccelli once again.

It has been proven for the last 6 months that Brown has absolutely no problem handing out jobs for political donations and "giving" away OUR land.
Will Brown sacrifice the rural landscape of Mullica to appease his "County Machine Friends"??? Will he continue with Chasey's plans to change our zoning to help out their Republican buddies on the Pike???

You're right,Graebener and St Amour were the only ones who fought for the people of Mullica in all ways. They didn't take ANY donations based on expected return favors or deals.

Anonymous said...

I agree with ALL of the first 9 comments that have been posted here.
Mullica was saved once from destruction and I hope we don't have a repeat of the same problems with this Administration.