Thursday, May 26, 2011

Weekstown Community Church rebuilds

After a century, the Weekstown Community Church is building a new church. The original church was part of a trio of United Methodist churches in that area of the Pinelands, but the congregation decided to split with the Methodist church in 1990.

The new building will be larger and more modern, but it is being constructed in the same spirit as its predecessor. Congregants who work as contractors are doing much of the plumbing, electrical, excavating and other work for free.

“The church has been very blessed,” said Mayor Jim Brown, a longtime member.

Although it will likely not open for worship until next year, the nondenominational church will hold a “New Beginnings” dedication ceremony 2 p.m. June 5 at the new building at the corner of Cranberry Court and Pleasant Mills Road.

To read more, please see link on Press of Atlantic City.


Anonymous said...

It figures James Brown trying to take credit for something he had nothing to do with!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is the ceremony for the new church listed under events on the township website? This is not a community event! Jim Brown is,yet again, mixing his religion with town affairs.
I find this totally inappropriate for a government site to list church functions.
Brown cares nothing about the Constitution which separates church and state.
This has to be in violation of the Federal Law.

Anonymous said...

Hey, can any church get in on this or does it have to be local religions only?

Anonymous said...

Browns a phoney anyway!!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Mayor Brown has no comprehension of the fact that religious affairs and government affairs do not mix in government publications, not because I said so, but the founders of this nation said so. Wasn't he sworn to uphold to the constitution? Apparently he has no concept of the content of the constitution. This isn't a religious matter, but a matter of understanding what you swore to follow. The right to publish text of a religious nature is an individual right, and not a right permitted by the constitution to government.

Out of respect for the constitution, the government is obligated to remain neutral in matters of religion. The fact that whomever puts the meeting notices has no idea that they are not allowed to do this, shows just how mindless and/or bullied that they really are in Mullica Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, the new church looks wonderful and getting written up by the AC Press is great. The residents can use a good news story versus all of the negative articles in the press stories.

Anonymous said...

8:02 Pm
I have no problem with the article in the Press as a human interest story. I agree with the other opinions here that the ceremony is an event of a particular religion and has NO business being listed on a Twp. Government website.
I think it's disgusting how Mr. Brown continues to use his church as a political ploy. It's even more disturbing that the members of this church are condoning all the dishonesty of Brown's campaign and the corruption and crony-ism of the last 5 months.

We have lost valuable forest land and have higher taxes already. He is an egotistical bully who is going to sell Mullica out to his "County" friends for a pat on the back.
I am disgusted with the whole Committee who promised to look out for our interests but have proved to be spineless and stupid.

Anonymous said...

This use to be a really good site when Larry ran it. He hit on the subjects that meant something. Now it's just a hate forum.
Sad. Really sad

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that Larry would have approved of the town web site promoting a religion???
If they didn't take it down he would have called the ACLU or filed a law suit against the town himself the day it was posted.
This site has NOTHING to do with hate. It gives the people a chance to read about things that are going on in the town and give their opinions.
All Larry ever wanted was a legal,honest and ethical government which he never got to see for the one year we had one.
That's sad. Really sad.