Saturday, May 07, 2011

School Board Unofficial Election Results

The unofficial School Board election results are still listed on the Atlantic County Clerk's website. It's safe to say William Cheatham won the GEHR seat, as he ran unopposed and there were only 15 write in votes, with total votes of 364. Also, Melinda Matos and Terence Watson won their unopposed 3-year term seats with 265 and 277 votes, respectively, however there were 190 write ins for the other seat available. The one year term seat (finishing out Rick Noble's term) was won by Chuck Freeland with 270 votes and 9 write ins.

The Mullica Township School Budget passed 215 to 203. The Greater Egg Harbor Regional School budget was voted down 1,939 to 1,685 from all GEHR districts.

For the write in votes, the count has not been released, although Lori Kelley and Nicole James were more than likely the top write in vote-getters.

It has been announced by the Mullica Township Republican Club that Lori Kelley was the official winner. Lori Kelley, who is the daughter of Deputy Mayor/committeeman Larry Riffle thanked everyone for their support on the Mullica Township Republican site. This goes to show you, in a NONPARTISAN ELECTION, the Mullica Township Republicans once again had their hands in this election and made it a PARTISAN ELECTION and backed Lori Kelley. Why? This is the question being most asked.


Anonymous said...

School Board is generally non-partisan and there is much to learn. Recent members who have been open about party partisanship have been great, fair and thoughtful board members. The key is to have earnest, hard-working members who have student achievement as their bottom-line goal

Anonymous said...

6:57pm Post Partisanship: 1. A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.
- Two words: Frank Kelly, a board member some 15 years, who hardly met any of the attributes mentioned by the previous poster. The school board should be non-partisan, period, without secret campaigning by political parties to get their person elected.

Anonymous said...

The last board member who was elected with the help of the Republican Club was Tom Carl, who forced the school to spend $8,000 of the school's money, which would have gone to the students, for a special runoff election. Then, after only one term, he quit. Please tell me how this person was "great" for our schools? What did he accomplish in raising student "achievement" in the short time that he was there, learning the ropes? Nothing!

Anonymous said...

Republicans generally tend to be much better at balancing budgets and making tough choices to keep the schools running properly during tough economic times.

Electing people that want value for the tax dollars will help the students and teachers while lowering the tax burden on the parents and grandparents who are all hurting for money right now.

Anonymous said...

The Mullica Republican Club has always supported school board candidates who were friendly to the goals of the NJEA, at the same time that their rank and file voted against the school budgets year after year. Their board members talked the talk about holding costs down but in the end they didn't walk the walk, caving in to the union demands in every contract. That's why many local Mullica teachers are Republicans. They know who has been buttering their bread all these years. With our new Republican governor now publically bashing the teachers' union every chance that he gets, ironically the local Republicans have suddenly found themselves in a dilemma. Its no longer acceptable to hand out annual raises and gold-plated benefits, yet they still want the teachers voting for them in the general election. Its going to be harder to pander for the union vote if they no longer have the will to deliver the goods as they've done in the past.

Anonymous said...

re 2:39 pm
"Republicans generally tend to be much better at balancing budgets....etc"
YOU HAVE GOT BE BE KIDDING! That sure doesn't apply to Mullica where the Republicans have raised the taxes for fifteen years,sold off the land cheaply and worked for their cronies and outside interests.
AND you stupid people seem to like it because you have the same exact conditions again.
You deserve what you get. IDIOTS!

Anonymous said...

Republicans are better at balancing budgets????? In the immortal words of Larry, "huh?". The 2:39PM poster must be living in a cave. It was a Republican administration that put this country in a gigantic financial whole...fighting wars that shouldnt have been fought and deregulating wall street.

You for real??? said...

HUH??? Are you for real!!!!! Rep are much better balancing the budget!!!!!! Cause of rep the taxes are so high.. Get a life!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:39 post-You have got to be kidding right? Under President Clinton, we had a balanced budget and a surplus which the Republicans turned into one of the largest budget deficits in our time.

"Republicans tend to be much better at balancing school budgets." When if ever has that been true in Mullica?

Anonymous said...

2:39 pm,Your 1st paragraph is a joke,right?

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh when I read your comment. When I read 2:39 pm, HUH??came loudly out of my mouth.
It's nice to know others had the same reaction.
We're not all brainwashed yet.

Anonymous said...

2:39pm post: You're kidding right? The local Republicans have been buying votes with the taxpayers' money for years. Sure they balance the budget - by increasing our taxes! The only reason that there was no tax increase in the schools this year was because of some extra Federal money, not because of budget cutting. It had nothing to do with the Republicans making tough choices. Then property school taxes would have gone down this year, given the extra Federal money, no? Let's see what the municipal budget is this year now that the municipality is again under Republican control. I bet that the tax increase is higher than last year's. What "tough" choices were made? Please name one.