Monday, May 09, 2011


I went to the Mullica Tax Force website today and was surprised to see that Township Committee plans to vote to raise our taxes once again at tomorrow night's committee meeting. When Jim Brown came to my door, he said he was going to be different and cut taxes and stop the waste. There has been no word about this tax increase up until now. What are they doing, sneaking a tax hike in without saying anything? This should be a wake up call about the lies people will tell to get votes.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the poster finally found the Gadfly! If he/she was reading here before the election,they would have known that everything in the expensive Brown/Riffle campaign literature was fancy lies.
Brown is more concerned about the County Politicians than he is about Mullica. He opened the door wide open when he took all the County Republican Club money for his campaign and then hired the Club Chairman as our solicitor.
What happened to his promise of keeping outsiders out of Mullica's business?

Now he's planning on selling off 150 acres of our forest for a mere $500 an acre.
What happened to his promise of preserving our forests and landscape?

In 4 months, we already have less police protection, our land is being robbed from us, cronies receiving favors and jobs, and a TAX INCREASE.
How could anyone really think things would be different with Kathy Chasey pulling his strings from the very beginning of his campaign?

James said...

What did you think they were going to do.. They're not for the Mullica people ,, they're for the county

Anonymous said...

And they've infiltrated the School Board since Riffle's daughter got elected - no Public School experience, to date no kids in the school - and her votes will be based on what?

Anonymous said...

The Mullica Tea Party failed to deliver the goods - a two cent increase in property taxes this year. They talked about ending "wasteful" spending during the campaign and they broke their pledge. Or was it just a lie to get themselves elected? You be the judge.

Anonymous said...

11:45 Her father has no experience & yet they voted him in .. Just another puppet for the rep just like her father!!!!

Anonymous said...

And Obama?? (No experience)

Anonymous said...

You must have missed where Barack Obama was a US Senator from Illinois.

Comparing Barack Obama to Jim Brown is like comparing Jesus to Jim Bakker.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a US Senator for how long? And before that?? NO EXPERIENCE!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Jim Brown and Larry Riffle for President and VP. Brown can't even keep his campaign promises to the people of Mullica, so he'd be a great candidates for the Reps to run for president. Another Batboy from NJ. Will he take Chasey with him so she can tell him what to do and say? If so, he has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama had prior political experience in Chicago before becoming a US Senator. Who cares? This is about Brown being a liar and nothing to do with national politics.

Brown doesn't have what it takes to go any further than Mullica. No public speaking skills or people skills and rumor has it he can't even run a meeting and seems barely literate, however he seems to be able to lie without any problem and this is what his own "side" is saying, so who knows how bad he really is.