Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Egg Harbor Township hopes to stop a controversial affordable housing plan

I thought that the Gadfly readers might want to see this story in today’s Press, which is excerpted below. It is similar to what we in Mullica recently went through when the township officials were foolishly spending our money to try to rezone a part of Elwood Village to six housing units per acre, which undoubtedly would have resulted in an affordable housing complex in Mullica.

Ironically, just as EHT’s officials previously saw no environmental impact to build a park, neither did Mullica’s when they wanted to constrict the Elwood Corridor to help out a private landowner. Now that EHT voters are up in arms about the proposed development, the township suddenly finds itself claiming that it would hurt an endangered species, when it didn’t seem to matter to them before.

Let this story be a lesson for us in Mullica. We have to be vigilant about any changes to our zoning that our township might make or we could end up just like EHT.

One commenter to the Press article wrote, “I hope that they find that bird; has anyone seen the traffic recently?”


Now Egg Harbor Township hopes endangered species stop a controversial affordable housing plan

In December, the Egg Harbor Township Committee declined to adopt a proposed settlement that would permit as many as 572 housing units, 114 of which would be designated as affordable, creating a density of six units per acre. The property currently is zoned for a housing density of one unit per one to three acres. Committee members made their decision after about 400 residents packed the municipal hall to protest the settlement during a public hearing.
Around that time, the township claimed in court filings that a wildlife biologist it hired had conducted a preliminary survey of the property and found potential habitat for red-headed woodpeckers, a bird that New Jersey has listed as a threatened species.
Plackter argued in response that when Tony Canale Park was expanded a few years ago, the township did not find any threatened or endangered species on that tract and his client's property abuts that section of the park. "How could the issue of this T&E habitat be raised now when the township sought to acquire the English Creek property for an expansion of Canale Park," Plackter wrote. Additionally, he said, the changes that could be required if woodpeckers or other species were found "do not rise to the level of rendering the English Creek site no longer appropriate or suitable for affordable housing."


Anonymous said...

Regrettably, Mullica's voters have extremely short memories and we are already back to business as usual. Now that another absentee property owner wants to increase the value of his land, our elected official are falling over themsleves trying to oblige him by extending the village to include his property, while ignoring the desires of the community.

Anonymous said...

I would guess that the committee doesn't even know what is the landowner's plan for the property, hoping that it's for some good use for the community but knowing that it's not since he won't tell them.

Anonymous said...

re 4:40 pm
I'm still sick over the fact that they are giving away 154 acres of OUR land for only $80,000.
Please don't tell me that the committee is going back to the old "Destroy Mullica" plans of Chasey and Forman.

Anonymous said...

"Please don't tell me that the committee is going back to the old 'Destroy Mullica' plans of Chasey and Forman."
Do you remember the quote "We had to destroy the village to save it."? That wil be their argument, in so many words.

Anonymous said...

It is now obvious to everyone that the Brown and Rifle campaign was not about lowering taxes but one of wanting to take care of their political "friends", as it always has been with the Republican Club.

Anonymous said...

re 4:40 pm
Could the "absentee property owner" be the owner of the Devonshire Inn. Chasey was trying to extend the village just for him years ago.
It wasn't that long ago that he had his people pushing for a criminal rehab. in front of the planning board.
I noticed that there is a for sale sign on the old building the last couple of weeks after decades of nothing.
I am assuming that a deal is in the works with him and Brown and they're getting their ducks in a row for the big announcement.
I wonder how much that guy contributed to Brown's campaign?

Anonymous said...

RE 9:14pm
Isn't that area the bottle neck of the Pine Barrens that joins the north and south corridors. Changing the zoning there could affect migration habits of all the wild life.
Brown,Riffle and Kennedy would not only change the landscape of Mullica forever but our Pine Barrens could be drastically changed.
A couple of stupid,greedy people could destroy a national treasure.

Anonymous said...

re 9:18pm
Maybe we'll all be lucky and the whole Committee will be raptured tomorrow before they can do anymore harm to this town.
We have about 1 1/2 hrs left to see if there's anything to all that May 21th Judgment Day stuff that's been circulating.
Hey,who knows.Maybe I'll be "raptured". Either way I'm sure I won't be in the same place with Brown,Riffle or Kennedy. So, all is good.