Monday, April 25, 2011

Kelly for school board

What is the validity to the story that I hear about the Republicans handing out business cards to their voters to write in for Lori Kelly for school board? Is she related to Frank Kelly?


Anonymous said...

NO. Lori Kelley (with a second "e") is none other then "Weird Waldo" Larry Riffle's daughter.
The Republican Club is yet again scraping the bottom of the toxic barrel.

Anonymous said...

Lori Kelly is a very nice person. I just met her recently.

Anonymous said...

Lori Kelley is committeeman Larry Riffle's daughter and went to Pilgrim Academy, which should make her perfect to be on a public school board. Being a nice person doesn't make someone a good candidate for a school board. Does anyone know anything about her other than she's who the REPUBLICAN CLUB want on the board?

Anonymous said...

My kids went to school with her & they say she,s nothing then a nasty person..Like father like daughter!!!

Anonymous said...

Meeting somebody "recently" does not mean they are nice. Scam artists are very "nice" when you meet them. Ted Bundy was very "nice" to all his victims before he killed them.
Why don't you go talk to ALL of her surrounding neighbors to see how "nice" she is. You'll be lucky if you find one she hasn't complained about.

Anonymous said...

re 5:44 pm
Going to Pilgrim Academy doesn't automatically make you nice or honorable. Riffle's son,Todd went there,too. He worked for the State Republican Party and got INDICTED by the State for the illegal,dirty things he did for a campaign.

Maybe he helped his father compose all the lies in his campaign literature. Promotion seemed to be his field of interest. He doesn't openly work for the GOP anymore.

Artie said...

LOL Look who got Lori Kelley to run for BOE!!!! Tom Carl.. Is that the 2 face Do nothing ,,,Liar.. Cause us to spend more money for election when he tried with Mary Hurt.. That Tom Carl,,,It figures ....Tom go take a bus ride with Janet Forman!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tea Party!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know who Riffle was until the last election. Then I found out that he was the idiot who used to block all of Darmstat on walks with his family. His daughter can't be too smart letting three little kids play by a busy street either.

Anonymous said...

Re 10:05pm
When I saw on Facebook that Tom Carl was pushing Lori Kelly for the Board,I knew she would be trouble. All his hard work got us the jerks that are selling off our town now. I guess he's trying to ruin the school next.
Thanks Tom

Anonymous said...

9:37 pm
It gets worse all the time. I googled your statement about Todd Riffle and it's true. He was heavily involved with the State politicians.
Maybe we have to worry about more than just the county thieves coming though the now open door to Mullica.
10:03 pm
Tom Carl cost this town about $8,000 for that extra election. He's right up there in the cabal with Chasey,Forman,Kennedy,Brown and Riffle in the "CLUB". Ethics,integrity and honesty are not included in the by-laws. His endorsement of Lori Kelley is very telling.

Anonymous said...

I guess our esteemed committeeman Riffle has a very low opinion of our Mullica school system.
I'm sure his daughter will follow his footsteps and screw up the school next.
Freeland and Kelley - perfect together.
And I bet a lot of you thought it couldn't get worst then what was on the board before.

Anonymous said...

Mike St Amour made a post on Mullica News.

"Please write in NICOLE JAMES on the ballot for school board tomorrow. Nicole Mcintyre James is a dedicated school parent and attended public schools. She understands the struggle between providing a quality education and keeping it affordable for our residents. A fixture in the school community, Nicole is a wonderful choice and is very deserving of this opportunity."

Thanks for this announcement,Mike. I see a little light in this dark tunnel. At least for today.
Now everybody,if you give a damn about our school system, get your butts out of the house tomorrow between 5 and 9 o'clock and write in NICOLE JAMES on line 4A.

Anonymous said...

To the 11:11 post

I live on Darmstadt Ave. and as far as the Riffles and Kellys blocking the street while they are walking was a stupid comment. I don't agree with Riffles politics but it is not a reason to attack his family. You must be one of those idiots who drive down Darmstadt at 60 MPH . If you have something to say to Larry go to a Township meeting and express yourself, otherwise leave his family out of it.

Get real 6:05 said...

Ya 6:05.. Its stupid till they get hurt.. Its people like you ,when something happens you,ll say Oh so sorry for them. When something like they do on a public street, its everybody,s business!!! If anything happens i feel sorry for the driver!!!!

Anonymous said...

6:05 pm
Larry Riffle is bringing his family into it, into our School Board election more specifically. The comment was about his daughter candidate's lack of good judgment. I notice that since you live on Darmstadt you have noticed and have not denied the road blocking parade.
I identified with 11:11 pm's comment. I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one who thought they all were stupid and inconsiderate.
Now that I know who they are, I'll just call the police and report it if I'm blocked and I'll let them tell your friend"Larry".

Anonymous said...

RE: 9:45
So then tell me, where are all the people who live on Darmstadt supposed to walk? There are no sidewalks, and correct me if I'm wrong, but don't pedestrians have the right of way? The Riffle's and the Kelley's are not the only ones who walk on that road. There are many families on that road who enjoy a walk.

Get real said...

10:39 They block the road.. they don,t walk in a single file.. The police already told them not to block the road, Go to the park if they want to walk. they block both lanes & when a car comes they don.t move.& when you pass they give you a dirty look!!! Just to teach you something>> PEDESTRIANS have to right of way when CROSSING the street,, NOT BLOCKING IT!!!

Anonymous said...

re 10:39 am
MOST people walk,jog,or ride bikes along the side of the road not straight down the middle of any road,especially with kids in tow.