Saturday, February 05, 2011


Dear Gadfly readers,

It was brought to my attention today that "retired" committeeperson Janet Forman has challenged the validity and truthfulness of the posts on For those who are not yet familiar with Mullica Tax Force, this site is dedicated to educating Mullica taxpayers about issues that affect our municipal taxes and to shed light on instances where money is spent questionably. The site is interactive in that questions can be submitted to and addressed as timely as possible.

Now for the challenge!

I challenge Janet Forman, or any resident for that matter, to detail any incorrect statement or misinformation on Mullica Tax Force. Will these assertions be challenged?

#1: That Mayor Jim Brown hired a township attorney who, as the chairman of the Atlantic County Republicans, directed $2,000 of political contributions Brown's way...NO CHALLENGE THERE!!! Jim Brown admitted it at a public meeting.

#2: That Mayor Jim Brown re-appointed an unqualified partisan hack to the position of code enforcement official, the same hack who hosts Brown's club meetings each month, at a wasted expense of over $16,000 to taxpayers? NO CHALLENGE THERE!!! Brown was given ample notice of the problems associated with this hack and STILL APPOINTED HIM AS A POLITICAL FAVOR!

#3: That township elected officials do not typically engage in a property revaluation without being forced to due to the expense...SHOW US A TOWN THAT WOULD!

#4: That, in 2009, Janet Forman and Kathy Chasey ignored the will of the voters and rubber-stamped the defeated Greater Egg Harbor Regional School District. NO CHALLENGE THERE!!! THE PRESS OF A.C. DID AN ARTICLE ON IT!

Janet Forman seems to cry foul a lot, but SHE HAS NOT FOUND ONE SINGLE INCORRECT STATEMENT...IT'S ALL DOCUMENTED!!! Forman's pre-occupation with Mullica Tax Force, and me specifically, has more to do with HIDING INFORMATION, not correcting it. Do you think that she wants the public to know that the new Mayor aided in circumventing NJ pay-to-play laws? Mayor Jim Brown admitted in a public meeting that he DID NOT DISCLOSE TO DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEMBERS THE $$$ HE TOOK FROM THE SAME ATTORNEY THAT HE HIRED. If Democrats had done this, Forman would be the first to say it. But it's her guy, GUESS WHAT, NO PROBLEM!!!

Forman and her puppets have tried for years to KEEP INFORMATION AWAY FROM RESIDENTS. They wanted to stop campaigning at the transfer station. Hypocrite Jim Brown wanted to stop it too and vowed not to be there because "it's not safe"----THEN LET HIS KIDS CAMPAIGN THERE FOR HIM. It's not safe for him, BUT HE'LL SACRIFICE HIS KIDS??? C'mon. They wanted to violate first amendment rights by dictating how political speech needs to be delivered. They further wanted to violate first amendment rights by limiting the size of campaign signs to smaller than those allowed for commercial businesses. NOTE TO JANET: VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION---THE SAME CONSTITUTION YOU VOWED TO UPHOLD. No court in the land would have found in favor of the township on these Constitutional issues.

Finally, #5: Did the hack zoning official issue building permits to political ally Forman AFTER she had been denied permits by a zoning officer that she subsequently FIRED? NO CHALLENGE THERE!!! ALL FACTS, ALL CAN BE VERIFIED.

Mullica Tax Force will post any necessary corrections that are presented by Forman, or any other taxpayer with a valid update to the information that had previously been posted. If more time is needed for research, I'll post that too! So that's the challenge. If it's wrong, step up to the plate Janet and say what's wrong. If you've got nothing, just admit it and stop bellyaching. Mullica's residents will now learn who's being honest!!!!

Michael St. Amour
Moderator of Mullica Tax Force


Anonymous said...

Great!! Janet Forman wants to tell everybody the "facts". Now she has a direct challenge to correct anything she doesn't agree with.
Come on,Janet! Now's your chance to discredit St Amour to his face instead of behind his back. This is your time in the spotlight. Let us all know what your complaints are upfront. Show your "people" the issues not just hate and slurs.

Anonymous said...

Mike - wasting your time..forman cant defend her lies...She to much poopoo to take you on!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very descriptive! I think she's full of poopoo,too. HaaHaaaa!
If she could have said Mike was wrong about anything,she would have gave examples in her hate filled posts. All she did was try to rip him down and ignore the issues.
She's looking like a desperate idiot trying to block information again.

alot of people said...

I agree with 3:45 pm..She is ALL mouth.She is running scare now.. Good work Mike.

Anonymous said...

re6:27 pm
The more she writes,the bigger hole she's digging. Her latest posts(2/6/11 on Mullica News) are a pack of misinformation. She just can't seem to address any of the issues in an intelligent manner. She's too busy trying to cover her ass with more lies and slurs.
It looks like she's not even going to submit a reasonable,sane rebuttal to the tax force page articles.
I really didn't think she could.

Lou said...

re 4:17pm
I tried to confront Forman about her lies and the facts of what I've seen over the years. She attacked with lies about me,lies about what my wife said at the meeting, more lies about Mike and tried to start more problems with my neighbor.
Going right along with her efforts to block free speech in Mullica,she blocked me from seeing her Facebook comments. Now I am not able to comment to anything she says or even read the garbage she's putting out.

She trys to block the truth wherever she can. She cannot block the Tax Force page which is giving true information,so she is going to great efforts to discredit it and Mike.

Anonymous said...

Re8:05 pm
I'm really not surprised that she blocked you. Truth is her biggest threat.
She can't handle the issues you brought up so she's attacking you personally. Her reputation for spreading lies in this town is well known. We all know what she's trying to do. She is the biggest low life in the town and she's proving it publicly more and more.

Anonymous said...

You don't even need to be on Facebook to see Mrs. Forman's mad rantings on the Mullica News Facebook page. Mullica News on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Re 5:22 pm
Thanks for the link! I don't belong to facebook so I was missing a lot!
It's worse than I thought.

Anonymous said...

I am guilty of not paying as much attention as I should have to these matters. My eyes are opening and I think sunshine is a really good disinfectant. I am not a stupid man. I have a graduate degree in accounting and also a CPA. I would be fascinated to see a response by Ms Forman. Post your remarks here and offer intelligent discussion. I am not interested in political bashing or personal insults by either side.
Today there is a strong need for intelligent, open consideration of our fiscal matters. I hope that elected officials will seek and embrace the best ideas regardless of the source and not insult our intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Re 7:43 am

Your post was most refreshing and intelligent. It reflects the wishes of everyone who is following Forman's rants.

If you HAD been paying attention the last decade,you would know by now that Forman is unable to address any issue without twisting it and demeaning anyone who confronts her with Truth.